Chapter 59: Different Plans

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When the pair arrived in the dining room, most of the family was already there, chewing on their pancakes.

"Good morning, everyone." Childe greeted, walking over to the 2 empty seats.

"Morning," Charlotte said too, following her friend like a puppy follows his owner.

Not everyone responded with "good morning" as most of the family, especially the youngsters, were busy eating their breakfast. Only after Teucer mumbled something with his mouth full of pancakes victoriously, did the pair find out that Childe's little siblings were actually having a race.

"Teucer, don't speak with your mouth full." Ajax's mother sighed.

"B-Bwut mwom!" Teucer protested.

Ajax laughed, ruffling his little brother's hair before pulling a chair out next to him. With a soft smile on his face, he gestured for Charlotte to sit down and she complied. He then sat down on her right, reaching out his hands to take the wide plate with a bunch of pancakes on it.

"How was your sleep, Ajax? You were working the entire day yesterday..." mother asked in a concerned voice.

"I was out like a light last evening. Slept like a baby, haha." Childe replied cheerfully.

"That's great. How about you, Charlotte?" mother focused her attention on the girl next to her son making it obvious that she was asking about the nightmare.

"Oh. I slept well enough. Thank you." Girl nodded.

"That's good to hear, dear." Mother smiled, passing the cream and jam jar to the pair. "Must have been a horrifying dream that you had... You poor thing."

"A nightmare?" Sergei, the eldest son, lifted his eyes up from his plate.

"Yeah... I'm sorry I caused such a ruckus." Charlotte apologized, looking down at the ground.

"Hey now, don't apologize, girlie. It's okay. Plus, your memories are now back." Ajax touched her shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Oh? You remember everything now, Charlotte?"

The girl started feeling really uncomfortable being bombarded with questions. She wasn't the type to like to be in the center of attention, especially when she still wasn't entirely sure if everyone was fine with her being here.

"Well, we can discuss this later, no? Pancakes are getting cold." The brunette couldn't help but thank Childe for changing the topic.

"That's right. Eat up you two."

And so the pair dug in. The topic about the girl's memory seemed to be left forgotten and changed to the one about today's plans. Teucer and Anthon said they'll be busy playing Mr.Cyclopses Isle, Tonia will be studying. Sergei will go help their father out with the wood chopping since the blizzard has calmed down for a bit.

All of the sudden, a grown-up, tall, orange-haired man with a short beard entered the room. Seeing him, Charlotte nearly choked on her food.

"Anastasia, where is my grey jacket? The one with black buttons."

"I took it to the washroom to clean it from sawdust. It wasn't yet touched, you can take it back." Mother replied.

While Ajax's parents were having their conversation, the girl carefully inspected her friend's father's features. He was now wearing a short-sleeved shirt, his muscular arms exposed. If you looked closely enough, you could see a bruise that was already starting to fade on the inner part of the elbow.

What Childe told her was apparently true. Charlotte, who knew quite a lot about medicine, easily recognized such a bruise – the consequence of the blood extraction.

"Are we going already, father?" Sergei asked, already standing up from his seat at the table.

"The earlier the better. Who knows when the blizzard will start again. Ajax, want to come with us?"

"Oh uh..." 11th Harbinger glanced at the shy girl next to him. "I and Charlotte had other plans after the breakfast."

"Oh~?" Sergei smiled with a suggestive smile and teasing voice. "And what could those plans be about, mmm?" he wiggled his brows, making the pair blush immediately.

"S-Sergei!" Ajax's cheeks were bright red. "What the hell are you thinking about?!"

"Ajax, language." Mother lectured.

"Прости за это" Childe apologized in his mother-tongue. "I and Charlotte were simply planning to help each other with bandages changing."

"Well, well~" Sergei chuckled. "I hope you do realize that most of your wounds are on your chests-"

"SERGEI!" Childe stood up from his seat, his sapphire-colored eyes burning with danger.

"That's enough boys. You're making Charlotte uncomfortable. Let's go, Sergei. We will be on the eastern side of the forest, you can join us later if you wish, Ajax."

With those words, Ajax's father left the dining room, dragging his eldest son together with him. Charlotte gulped, understanding that no matter how angry would it make Childe, what Sergei said was right – Childe's chest was covered in wounds left after ruin guard's explosives. Hers must have a huge cut left after she stabbed herself in the battle with his Abyss Master Skirk. She also had a broken arm and to make it easier to change the bandages, you should remove the upper clothing anyway.

"Sigh... Sorry about what just happened." Ajax sat back down, apologizing to the girl.

"It's okay... Don't worry about it." Charlotte replied with a smile.

"Have you eaten already? Can we go?" Childe noticed the girl's empty plate.

"Yeah, I'm full. Though, do you need help with washing dishes?" the brunette addressed the mother.

"No no, sweetheart. Teucer and Anthon will help me out. Maybe this will teach them the lesson that it's not nice to play with your food."

2 little boys groaned but obeyed, picking up a few plates and following their mother to the kitchen. Childe chuckled, standing up.

"Let'sgo, shall we?"



Прости за это (prasti za eta) - sorry for that

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now