Chapter 10: The Acceptance

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Charlotte was pushed back after blocking the powerful blow from Childe. Trying to stop herself from hitting one of the pillars around the stone platform they were training on, she thrusted her flaming sword into the ground, piercing through the old, frozen rock bricks.

Tired from all fighting, girl was panting heavily, trying to get at least a bit of air back in her lungs. Despite her being just an apprentice, her teacher showed no mercy in first battle.

Slightly wobbling, she managed to stand up, pulling her sword out of the ground.

"Oho~ Still want to continue after such powerful blow? You continue surprising me today, girlie~!" cheered 11th Harbinger, rotating his 2 twin blades in his hands before connecting them into 1 pure hydro polearm. He spun it again, making it dematerialize and disappear in the blind of eye. "But that'll be enough for today."

Charlotte raised her head to look up at him with already exhausted face expression.

"Huh?" she was still breathing heavily, her stamina completely drained.

"You heard me. As much as I'd love to spar with you longer, I'm afraid we'll have to call it a day here. I got to see what I wanted – I know what we will work on in future." Childe said, his voice sounding like some serious battle expert's.

"And what may that be...? May I know my mistakes?" Charlotte only now managed to fully straighten her back, her spine bones cracking a bit.

Tartaglia gave her a smile.

"First step to becoming stronger is realizing your own mistakes. Think and tell me, what do you think your mistakes were in our fight just now? Try naming your weaknesses..." he crossed his arms on his chest, looking with curious eyes at the brunette in front of him.

Charlotte overthought the entire battle they just thought, every single movement and slash. It didn't take her way too long to realize it.

"I would say... My stamina is an issue...?" she said, looking up at her teacher.

"Correct. There are 2 more things, though." Harbinger raised his hand, his index and middle finger up in the air while the others were folded.

Girl was forced to think once again.

"Hmm... My... Dodging skills...?" she watched how the ginger folded his middle finger, meaning she guessed correct. "And maybe... my agility?"

"No no, your body is really flexible, I got nothing to say about it. The 3rd thing would be the fact that you rarely block attacks and try to dodge them instead. As we made it clear already – dodging is not your strongest point. The way you blocked my last slash was quite good, actually. Well done."

Brunette nodded, brushing her chocolate-colored hair out of her face. Her lungs seemed to have filled full of oxygen again, so she was now breathing normally, small clouds of smoke forming with each exhale as her warm breath met with freezing Snezhnaya temperature.

"Think we are clear now. From this day on, we will work on your stamina, dodging and blocking. Once you master them all out, you'll make a great fighter indeed." Her friend reassured her. "Now then, it's time for the acceptance speech. Come with me."

"For acceptance what-? When? Huh?!" Girl was completely lost, standing still, watching with wide eyes as 11th Harbinger started walking away.

Childe laughed.

"Acceptance speech. You will see everything once we get there, come on." He made a hand gesture, inviting her to come together with him.

Not knowing what else she could possibly do, girl followed after the orange-haired boy, stepping in his footprints. Snow here was way deeper and you had to walk carefully. Just one small slip and you'll bury yourself in freezing white powder.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now