Chapter 40: Goddess of Love

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"What happened, Zanni? Please, report in detail."

Charlotte stood in the throne hall, in front of the godly woman and the 1st Harbinger, The Jester or also known as Pierro. Childe once mentioned that whenever a Harbinger has something to report to her Majesty directly, Pierro will appear by her side as an adviser.

Ordered by another Harbinger, a higher rank, she gulped.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell all of the details. I don't think I've participated in the situation right from the moment it started to the moment it ended."

The Jester crossed his arms.

"Tell us what you saw, then."

Girl gulped again before telling everything that happened involving her. The way she found the strange domain, how she got inside, the battle, and the strange strength of the monsters inside. Despite not wanting to say another word, she forced herself to tell how that happened too.

After she was finished, silence fell upon the hall. Neither of the trio spoke for the next 5 minutes.

"You're saying you discovered a domain. Why is it you entered it and didn't call the reinforcements?" 1st Harbinger spoke.

"I wanted to help."

"And your help lead to our comrade's death. You as well could have died."

Zanni stared ahead of herself as her colleague scolded her in front of The Queen. Her eyes no longer reflected light, looking as dull as an endless void of the abyss. Her emotions seemed to slowly start fading as well. Her heart was broken once again. 

But this time, no one could repair it.

"Such attitude and foolishness must not go unnoticed. Her Majesty will make sure to give you a punishment you deserve. If I may suggest, your Majesty, Zanni must be fired and have her Harbinger rank taken aw- "

"Pierro, leave us alone for a bit."

Silence fell upon the hall again. Girl looked up at the godly woman who was staring back at her with unusual concern in her ice-blue eyes.

"I will take it from here. Thank you for coming, Pierro. Please, return to your duties."

Despite being confused about what was happening, 1st Harbinger nodded, bowing before leaving. When hall's doors closed, Tsaritsa sighed.

"Pierro has always been strict. Don't pay attention, Last Shadow." She said, her voice unusually gentle.

Zanni nodded, lowering her eyes again.

"Charlotte?" Tsaritsa addressed, making the girl look up again. "How are you feeling, my child?"

Brunette girl was taken back by the way she called her. She never directly reported to her Majesty and this is her second time when she's standing face-to-face with her. Last time she felt more sure, after all...

He was there.


Girl snapped back from her thoughts.

"I'm fine, your Majesty."

"Pantalone has left, nobody will hear us. Call me Tsaritsa, will you?" godly woman leaned forward in her throne. "Tartaglia's death is a great loss, not only to the Fatui but to his family too. That's why I asked how were you feeling, to which you responded with a lie."

Charlotte felt pathetic for even trying to lie. She's standing in front of the Goddess of Love – there's no way something like her current emotional state would slip through her godly eyes. But at the same time, she didn't care anymore.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now