Chapter 6: Trip to Snezhnaya

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Just like the Harbinger said – the trip across the ocean wasn't warm at all. Harsh cold wind was blowing, ignoring all warm clothes layers the girl had on.

Unfortunately, sitting alone and reading in her cabin all day long got quite boring. Not knowing what else to do, girl decided to go out on the deck, to get some fresh air. Ship crew was walking around, fixing stuff here and there. She came closer to the ship border, looking down at the dark water they were sailing in.

Surprisingly enough, she didn't feel sea-sick, letting her enjoy the frosty wind, messing with her dark brown hair. She hugged herself, trying to keep warm as much as possible.

Foggy sea surrounding them got her mind wander off in deep thoughts. What should she expect in cryo nation? Sheer cold and daily blizzards were obvious enough, but what about her Fatui career? How about Childe's family? Will they like her? Will they even accept her and open their door for her? Do they even know what happened? That her entire family was-

"Wow, it's even colder here than the last time!"

Charlotte was so off in thought that she didn't even notice young Harbinger approaching her.

"O-Oh... Hello there... Childe..." – boy once requested that she'd call him Childe or Tartaglia in front of other Fatui members and Ajax when around his family. She wasn't entirely sure about the reason why she shouldn't call him Childe or Tartaglia in front of his family, but decided not to question it.

"Out for some fresh air?" – he asked, leaning on the ship boarder, also staring into a foggy horizon.

Girl only nodded, earlier thoughts creeping back up in her mind.

"I see. Well, we're only one day away from the destination. We should be in Morepesok port, in Snezhnaya, by midday tomorrow." – he announced the news that at first would seem like a nice thing. Yet, they both were a bit anxious about her meeting Ajax's family and it show.

"Hey... Aj-... I mean, Tartaglia..." she corrected herself immediately, "Is it really okay? I mean... Me staying with your family... I don't want to become a burden..."

The boy lifted up his eyes, looking at the brunette next to him for a minute with surprised eyes. He then straightened his back, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey now... Of course it is. I told my family about you in my letter. I hope you don't mind, though..."

"No, no... It's all good." – she nodded, smilling with small soft smile.

"Good... I haven't received an answer yet, but I'm sure they'll like you. I can already imagine Teucer, Tonia and Anthon begging you to play with them." Harbinger chuckled, sighing right after "They're great kids, you will see. My mother is also really nice and caring. Father can get a bit grumpy at times, but it's a rare occasion. Oh, of course! My older siblings mind their own business most of the time, but they'll for sure be there to help you out if you need something!" he was smilling with wide, proud smile.

"You have a great big family, it seems..." girl stated, staring in the horizon again, her smile slowly fading. Ginger head next to her seemed to notice that in no time.

His arms slithered around her shoulders, pulling her a bit closer.

"Hey... I know it's hard for you... But now you have me. Me and my family... You're not alone." He gave her a reassuring smile as well as a squeeze on her shoulder.

Charlotte smiled again.

"Okay... As you say, Mr.Harbinger"

"Now then." He let go of her. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. Want some too?" He asked, already walking back to the corridor, leading to cabins and to stairs to the bottom floor of the ship, where the cafeteria was working.

"Hehe, sure." Charlotte smiled again, followingafter him.

Whale and Dragonfly // OC x Childe Genshin Impact fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now