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Cassidy's POV

"Hello?" Cassidy's extra exhausted voice echoed through the phone as she flopped herself back down on the pillow. Her left arm coming up to rest over her forehead as she closed her eyes, feeling herself falling back into a peaceful sleep once again.

"Hey Cass, I'm sorry to bother you but" his raspy voice started as she let out a loud sigh. She should've known that it would be him, who else would have the audacity to call her at three in the morning.

"Do you want to come here?" she asked with a sigh, her hand running down her face as she sat herself up in bed trying to wake herself up for however long it would take for him to spill his guts to her.

"I'm actually already outside your room" he said in a nervous chuckle, her eyes rolling as she folded the covers over the bed and slid from the sheets, her bare feet padding against the hard carpet of the floor as she made her way towards the door. She quickly turned the handle unlocking and opening it as she saw him standing in front of her.

"Come on" she said with a smirk as she ended their phone call, his hand reaching out to rest on her waist as he placed a friendly kiss on her cheek while he made his way passed her and crashed on the empty side of the bed that she was occupying.

She was quite used to conversations like this in the middle of the night with him. They had started a few months after she started working for him. Whenever he and his girlfriend were having issues he would always text her and she would sit and listen to him lay it all out in front of her as he patiently waited for her to give him her advice. She walked over towards the bed occupying her still warm spot as she sat next to him, her head resting on his shoulder as he rested his on top of hers.

"Spill" she said with a laugh as she curled into his side. She couldn't help but laugh in her head as she thought about what everyone else would say if they saw them. Any normal person would think that it was them that was in a relationship, but what they had formed was more like a brother and a sister bond. Not to mention she was six years older than he was and she was afraid to admit that she often thought of him as something more fearing people would think she was weird for liking a younger guy. So in public he was nothing more than her goofball that she admittedly spent more time with than her own friends, but that was okay with her.

"I just feel like whatever I do for her it isn't enough. She wanted to go out with us tonight and I was so happy that she wanted to and then when we got there she did nothing but try to stop me from being me" he said quietly, her hand coming out to rest on his as she started running her thumb over his soft skin.

"You shouldn't let her change who you are. We've had this talk before. Am I having déjà vu?" she laughed, his own chuckle floating from his lips as she couldn't help but smile wider. She loved when she made him happy, especially when he was feeling so down.

"Hmm maybe, but if we are going to be all cocky about the situation I'll go find someone else to talk to" he said cockily, her head pulling away from his as she looked at him with a sarcastic stare.

"Oh really, and who is going to understand you better than me?" she asked crossing her arms as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye, his lip coming between his teeth as she tilted her head at him. "Go ahead I'm waiting" she said with a laugh as he reached his arm out for her pulling her back into his side.

"No one Cass, there hasn't been anyone that has understood me better than you" he said giving her a quick peck on the top of her head as they both let out a sigh. Despite their age difference she'd be lying if she said that she never thought of them as anything more than this because she had almost every time he found his way to her room. And even though it killed her to see him get his heart broke by girl after girl after girl, she didn't feel that it was appropriate to cross that line. After all he was her boss and she felt as though that was always going to be a line she didn't want to cross.

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