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Austin's POV

Their beautiful night continued much as they both had hoped that it would until things became too much for them on the rooftop to try to attempt to stay any longer in the public eye, so after a quick purchase of the finest champagne that he could buy, he called for Ben to come pick them up so they could continue their night back in the hotel wrapped in each other's arms which is exactly where they wanted to be. They quickly exited the Rainbow Room hand in hand and made their way to the street where Ben was already waiting. Austin flashed him a smile, his hand reaching out to tap his back before resting it on Cass's back as he helped her inside. The minute they were inside the solitude of the back of the car, their lips quickly found each other, continuing their romantic rendezvous right where they left off. It wasn't hasteful but it wasn't slow either. It was the right amount of love mixed with the right amount of need as they showed each other just how much they loved being with each other. They got broken from their kiss just a few minutes after. Their lips, bodies and hands tangled with each other as they pulled apart with a smile. He slowly reached up pushing some hair behind her ear as he gave her a sweet smile.

"Still beautiful Cass as always" he said, watching as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of crimson as he pressed another chaste kiss against her lips. "I'm so fucking glad that you're mine" he said, the words making his heart feel like it was skipping a beat as she gave him a shy smile.

"I'm so glad that you are mine too big guy. And thank you so much for tonight, it was absolutely amazing" she said just as Ben opened the door for them, a small smile tugging on his lips as he saw Ben gazing at their position, her with her legs draped over his, his hands wrapped tightly around her waist as she rested her hand on his bare chest, his shirt messily undone from her wandering hands but right now he didn't care.

"I'd do that anytime for you baby" he said quietly into her ear, his lips pressing against her temple as he gave her ass a small pat. He helped her swing her legs from his as she slid from the seat, his hand grabbing for the bottle of champagne as he followed her sliding up his shirt sleeves and glancing down at his exposed chest as Ben shook his head at him. He knew that he would never tell—he wasn't a fan of Jessica much like everyone else that he associated himself with—but at this point he wasn't too sure if he would care if he did. He loved Cass, he loved her so fucking much and after tonight he knew that he just wanted the whole fucking world to know that she was his and he was hers.

He walked by Ben with a smirk on his face as he reached out and gently tapped his shoulder before placing his arm around Cass's waist and walked inside with her. There was something so satisfying knowing that he was going to have the whole night with her uninterrupted, without having to worry about waking up to a text from Jessica asking where he was or what he was doing. She had told him that she wasn't going to be back until an hour before they had to leave for the wedding and that gave him plenty of time to spend every waking moment with Cass and give her everything that he wished he could've given her a long time ago.

They made their way through the front doors heading over towards the elevators as he watched her press the button before leaning back against him. He brought his arms around her, his lips pressing into the top of her head as he held her close to him, slowly becoming more and more intoxicated by her as his lips traveled from her head down to the crook of her neck. He couldn't resist placing soft kisses against her warm skin, the scent of her coconut lotion mixed with the fruity smell of her perfume making her seem like his own tropical paradise, and even though he wasn't too fond of those he found that her paradise was one that he loved more than anything.

He pulled away from her as the elevator arrived, her hand coming to grab his as she loosely linked their fingers together and drug him inside, something about the action was so sexy to him, and the way she looked back at him only implied that she knew it too. She turned herself around as she backed up against the wall still dragging him close to her as he wrapped his one arm around her pulling her flush against him as he gazed down at her with a sexy stare, the look that she was giving back to him making his body feel like it was floating on a cloud. They teased each other for what felt like hours, their eyes dancing together in a heated tango as she roamed her fingers over his bare chest, the feeling of her fingernails trailing over his skin feeling like electricity coursing through his veins as he let out a small moan.

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