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Cassidy's POV

"Boy you guys got it done quick huh? Too much playing in the backseat to take it slow in there" Ben said to them with a wink and a smile as he sat on the bench on the patio of the villa with his ankle resting on his knee as he brought a cigar to his lips taking a deep drag. She couldn't help but laugh because she knew for a fact that Tatiana despised him smoking cigars yet—like most of the guys on the team, yes even Austin at one time—when their girls are away the boys will play in all things from illegal substances to other women. It was one thing she hated the most about all of them but whatever, she kept their secrets so they all loved her.

"Shut up Benny" she said making Austin laugh loudly at her nickname for him as he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in closer to him as he placed a soft kiss against the top of her head. He pulled away from her slowly as she reached up pushing the sunglasses from her eyes as she looked up at him only to grin as she saw the sparkle behind his eyes. She loved what she did to him, she loved how happy he was whenever they were together, and she loved even more that she was the reason behind his happiness. In the entire six years that she knew him she could never remember him ever being as happy as he is now. She stood up on her toes as he leaned down towards her pressing a soft kiss against her lips before slowly pulling away from her giving her hip a tight squeeze.

"So where are we off to now love birds, and should I regret that I am going" he said with a laugh as he stood up stretching his arms over his head as she started to laugh at him as she shook her head. She knew that he loved the relationship between her and Austin, and she knew what Ben was like, but she wasn't sure how much longer she could tolerate being the brunt of the jokes even though she knew they were in good humor. It was funny how things changed when you were now no longer an outsider looking in.

"Well asshole" Austin said as she leaned against his chest, her arm coming to wrap around the front of him as she pressed small kisses against his shirt, the scent of his cologne intoxicating her as she pulled away and laid her head against his chest as she started to giggle. "We are headed to Puerto Vallarta for the day" he said as she looked up at him hoping that he would slip up on his surprise, after all he knew how much she hated them but she also appreciated them. She was a double edged sword on the whole surprise thing really.

"Right right, a private tour for the four of us. Dennis and I will try to keep our distance" he said with a laugh that met his eyes as he started walking towards the side entrance to the villa and the Escalade that was parked out front.

"You know he's just kidding right baby?" he asked as he pressed his lips against her temple, a small smile sneaking on her lips as she curled her body into his before she looked up at him with a wide smile on her lips.

"Of course I do. Did you forget that I heard him make jokes like this all the time since I've started. It's just a little different now that I am on the receiving end of those jokes instead of hearing them from the side" she said letting out a sigh as he slowly laced his fingers together with hers giving her hand a tight squeeze as he stopped her just before the Escalade, his hand reaching out for her waist as he turned her towards him.

"Cass" he said as she reached up to rest her hands on his chest, her head tilted slightly to the side as she gave him a quizzical glance. She had only seen the look that was written all over his face a handful of times and whatever he had to say to her was important to him.

"Yeah big guy" she said with a smile giving their laced together hands a small shake while standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to his perfect lips. They really were the death of her and always one of the things she liked about him the most physically.

"I'm so sorry that you had to see and hear that all those years. I knew how I felt about you and even though you tried to hide it well I knew how you felt about me, yet I sat there and dangled myself in front of your face taunting you with relationship after relationship when the whole time they all should've been you" he said, his hand leaving her waist as he cupped her cheek as she leaned into his soft and gentle touch.

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