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Austin's POV

His thoughts were racing in the shower as he slowly started palming himself under the torrent of hot water that was washing over his sensitive skin. He pressed his hand against the fiberglass wall, his forehead resting against it as he thought of Cass's plump lips. He remembered exactly how they felt against his as if they were still firmly pressed against them, the way her tongue moved easily and perfectly with his as he kissed her with a passion he had only been dreaming of for months. He stifled a groan as his body twitched while he immediately started to picture her plump lips wrapped around his dick, her tongue swirling around his tip. He was certain she would give him one of the best blowjobs he ever received and the thought made him move his hand quicker over his dick. It didn't take long for his thoughts to go further, the imagine of her lying under him as he gently kissed her skin while he slowly made beautiful and passionate love to her begin to take over his mind. He knew sex with her would be more than the two of them simply fucking each other because it seemed right in the moment, it would be right, beautiful and amazing during every moment.

He groaned throwing his head back as he felt his orgasm start to consume him, images of their sweaty bodies tangled between the sheets as she loudly moaned his name from her perfect lips as he whispered I love you into her ear before consuming her moans between his lips while they came together. He groaned quietly between clenched teeth as he felt his warm cum spill over his fist before quickly being washed away by the water that was washing over him. He rested his forehead back against the wall breathing heavy through slightly parted lips as he started to smile. He felt as though he should be feeling some sort of remorse for thinking of another woman as he pleased himself, especially when his girlfriend—if that's what she was—was so close by, but he felt nothing but pure contentment for what just happened only driving him to believe Cass was really the girl for him.

He grabbed the cloth from the sunken in part of the shower, squeezing a generous amount of Old Spice on top of it as he quickly started to cleanse himself of the sweat that clung to his body. He couldn't help but laugh as he remembered how Cass always used to refer to it as unicorn dust because she said no matter what, he still smelled amazing even after jumping around like a maniac for over an hour. He smiled as he started to recall all the things that she had said to him over the years realizing now that it was probably her subtle--and extremely cute--way of flirting with him making him start to wonder when she actually started to develop the feelings that she had clearly expressed to him tonight. He made a mental note to address it at some point tonight--whenever their lips weren't occupied that is--as he let the warm water rinse the suds off of his body as he turned off the water grabbing for a towel that he had hung on the hook as he stepped out looking at his reflection in the mirror that was just now starting to fog over from the heat of the water that was sheeting over him a few seconds ago.

He couldn't quite figure out why, but he suddenly felt nervous about going out to be with Cass. He laughed at the new feeling, especially since for the last five years he had been nothing but himself with her. She was the only girl that had made him feel like he could be the real Austin and she would never judge him for it. Yet now here he was with this anxious feeling boiling over inside of him as he thought about going out to be with her. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't rushing things with her, even though he felt like it might happen especially since they were harboring their feelings for each other for years. He'd be lying if he didn't say that he felt a mixture of dumb and sad about not realizing how she was acting with him earlier as flirting. If he did and he acted on it he could've had her so much earlier and who knows where the two of them would be right now. But, one thing he did know was he most likely wouldn't be with Jessica nor would he have gotten himself into the mess with her that he found himself in just a few months ago. He let out a frustrated groan running his hand over his short hair as he shook his head. That was definitely not something that was coming up into conversation tonight no matter what she said to try to get it out of him. He wanted tonight to be perfect, to be about the two of them and he would make sure that's exactly what it was.

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