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Austin's POV

"You can't be doing things like that to me Cass. I mean, look what you did" he said pointing to his dick with a pout as she started to laugh grabbing his hand in hers as she started to drag him towards Ben and Dennis.

"Come on big guy" she giggled. "I promise I'll fix it when we get there" she said as he threw his head back and let out a sexy groan.

She really was killing him, but he enjoyed the teasing so much even though the promise seemed like it couldn't come fast enough for him as he followed her towards the private villa that he had rented for them at the Four Seasons in Punta Mita. He couldn't lie, he was doing everything he could to make sure that this trip was much better than the trip she just came back from, but he also kept forgetting that he could've gotten them a regular room in a hotel on the beach and she would be happy with it because all she needed was him. But, he loved Cass. He loved her more than anything and he wanted to show her just how much he loved her. She deserved the world and the day Jessica walked out of his house he promised himself that is exactly what he was going to do.

He smiled as they got closer to the front door of their villa, the double doors open to reveal the beautiful atrium and fountain inside. He squeezed her hand as he heard her take in a deep breath stopping in her tracks as he walked up behind her, his fingers unlacing from hers as he slid them slowly around her waist, his lips pressing into the crook in her neck as he slowly trailed them towards her ear. Fancy things were nothing new to her, she'd experienced them several times while working for him, but he loved hearing her expression regardless.

"Welcome to your home for the next week baby" he said smiling as she rested her head back against his shoulder and let out a small giggle before pulling away from him, his arms reluctantly letting her go as she spun around to face him. He loved watching her as her eyes floated across his face, her hands slowly moving over his shoulders as she lazily laid them around his neck as he smiled at her. He gently grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, his hands resting on her lower back as he rested his forehead delicately on hers.

"You always let your money do your talking for you didn't you?" she asked with a grin as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her perfect lips before pulling away with a shy smile as he let his eyes dance with hers.

"It used to be the only thing I knew how to do, the only thing that would yield results" he said bringing his one hand up to cup her cheek as he gently let his thumb slide over her skin. "But I have this really amazing girl who is making me realize love doesn't cost money" he said, loving how she was smiling up at him as she melted into him moving her body closer to him as her fingers started to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

"I love you Austin" she said with a smile as he leaned in melting his lips against hers feeling his dick starting to twitch in his pants as she started to giggle, clearly feeling what she did to him press against her thigh. "Should we go see our room?" she asked biting on her bottom lip as she stepped back, her hands slowly gliding over his chest giving him indescribable tingles as she grabbed his hand and started tugging him towards the interior.

"Bedroom is that way you two, just try to keep it down in there okay?" Ben said pointing towards the door as Austin reached out to rest his hand on Cass's lower back, his eyes glancing down to see that her cheeks were red as he chuckled placing a kiss to her temple. This shy side of her was new but fuck was he loving it more than anything.

"Fuck you asshole" he laughed throwing Ben the finger as Cassidy started to chuckle before pulling him into the private entrance to the master suite which took up most of the villa.

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