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Cassidy's POV

It felt like dejavú as she rolled her suitcases through the door to her LA apartment, except this time things between her and Austin were far beyond fixable, he had cheated on her with the very girl he had told her she had nothing to worry about. And what's worse was she didn't even know how Jessica even knew where he was, but thinking of it made her stomach nauseas. She had really thought that their relationship was going to be different, that they were truly in love but she guessed she was wrong, at least speaking for him which is what sucked tremendously about this whole thing. But regardless of what their relationship was it didn't matter what he did or who he did it with, she still loved him and she knew that was something that she was going to have to live with, she just didn't know if she could live with it by being around him all of the time.

She let out a sigh as she walked over towards her small kitchen reaching into the cabinet to pull out a glass before walking to the stainless steel fridge to fill it with ice and water. She took a sip hoping that the cool liquid would calm her nerves as she tapped the screen on her phone only to see a picture of her and Austin, the sight of it making tears brim in her eyes for just a second before they dripped down her cheeks. She sat her water down on the counter before sliding down the cabinets towards the floor, her head falling into her hands as she started to sob.

She felt so dumb, so idiotic as she thought back to the morning after he went out with the guys. She should've known something happened when he didn't go to bed with her that night. She should've known something happened with the way that he was so standoffish to her and how hesitant he was to kiss her or touch her. She felt so foolish falling for his charm after she woke up on the plane and thinking that everything she was feeling was just a misunderstanding because clearly it wasn't. Everything she was feeling was right, but she thought—more like she was convinced—that whatever they had between them was real, that he loved her more than he ever loved anyone else. But now she only felt like she was one thing to him. Sex. And now that she thought back to it, it seemed like a day didn't go by that he wasn't between her legs.

The thought made her cry even more. Her hands pulling hard at her hair as she let out a small groan. She had avoided starting relationships for so long because she didn't want to be just a piece of ass in this new hook up culture she found herself in, but instead of being cautious with Austin she fell right into the trap. She let how much she loved him—and how much she thought he loved her—and their history with each other blind her. She was nothing more than a piece of ass to him—that she more than willingly gave him—another notch in his belt, just another girl that easily fell for him because of how much she liked him, and the worst thing is he knew it and to her, that was just another thing that hurt her tremendously.

She took in a shaky breath dropping her hands from her face as she leaned her head back against the cabinet, both of her lips folding in on each other as she slowly shook her head back and forth before pushing herself from the floor. She grabbed her glass of water as she sluggishly walked over towards her suitcase and started pushing it towards her room, her eyes still filling with tears as she sat her water on the nightstand before shuffling to the bathroom. She pulled open the glass door to the walk in shower and turned the water on as hot as it would go before slowly pulling down the zipper of her baby blue strapless dress that reached mid-thigh, the sweetheart neckline tastefully decorated with crystals as it fell to the floor. She felt the hot tears trail down her cheeks as she slowly stepped out of the fabric that was pooled around her feet wishing it was falling on the floor of the chateau instead of her bathroom.

She took in a shaky breath as she wiped at her eyes with the heel of her palm so she could see her reflection clear in the mirror. She looked pitiful—and felt even worse—with her eyes red and bloodshot, her black mascara smudged heavily beneath her eyes and long white streaks down her cheeks where her salty tears had washed away her foundation. She saw her lip tremble the longer she looked at herself as she grabbed her hair—the loose curls she put in it for their lunch almost non-existent now—and tied it in a high bun with a sigh. She shook her head as she turned her back on her reflection and walked towards the shower, her eyes closing as she inhaled the dense steam while she shut the door behind her and stepped under the burning hot stream of water, her mind immediately going to Mexico and her and Austin's moment in the shower and all she could do was cry.

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