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Cassidy's POV

She had woken up around her normal time—her biological clock always thinking it's rather funny to have her up before the sun every morning—as she let her eyes dance around the small space that was illuminated by the soft blue glow of a TV that was mounted on a wall that didn't appear to be all too far away from the end of the bed. The stark white covers were pulled up to her chin, but despite their heaviness, her body was feeling far to warm for it all to be credited to them. She let out a breath, her lips coming closed as she swallowed gently before they slightly parted again. She went to go sit herself up in the bed that her petite body was occupying when she felt some resistance holding her in her place, a pair of soft lips pressing against the scorching skin of her neck as she let out a small gasp that was met with a raspy laugh.

"Morning beautiful, I didn't mean to scare you" her eyes shot open as wide as they could to the familiar and comforting voice, and it belonged to only one man, Austin.

She let out a relieved sigh—she was starting to feel like she had amnesia or some asshole slipped something in her drink last night since she didn't immediately remember where she was and who she was with—realizing that all of those amazing moments, romantic words and heavily whispered I love you's that had happened last night weren't a dream. She really was lying in Austin's bedroom on his bus. Her naked body was wrapped in his strong, comforting and protective arms and she was finally his after very little convincing from the handsome man behind her.  She smiled, her hands lacing with his as she gave them a tight squeeze, his reciprocating the action as he continued with his morning wake up.

She let her eyes fall closed as the sounds of the heavy sheets rustling—signaling his apparent movement beneath them—as he slowly started roaming his hands over her body, his lips caressing every part of her shoulder and neck as they pulled from her skin with soft suction sounds. She molded herself into his body, her ass pressing against his semi-hardened dick as she felt him drift his right hand up to rest on her overly pronounced hip giving it a tight squeeze. A small—and very involuntary—moan left her lips, the feeling of his own curving up against her skin letting her know he was pleased with her response  as he slowly started to trail his fingers down her body. She knew what was coming, her entire body was craving it as soon as his hands touched her skin and to be honest she wasn't the least bit upset that he woke up immediately thinking of having sex with her because well, she'd give anything for a repeat of last night.

He continued caressing her neck with his plump lips—the feeling of them still something that felt like heaven—as his fingers wandered closer and closer to her heat. The build up to such a small act was intense and she could instantly feel her wetness start to heavily pool at her entrance. He teased her just slightly, running the tips of his calloused fingertips over the soft skin of her inner thigh as strings of sweet moans left her lips. He chuckled softly into her ear,  his plump lips connecting with her lobe as he pulled on it gently. Her mind was racing with millions of provocative thoughts as to where this was all going to go this morning, her body wanting each and every one to happen in a blissful and greedy succession. But, she quietly reminded herself that she was his and he was hers and although they had to keep it a secret—the thought instantly turning her on more—she knew she could have him whenever she pleased.

He continued roaming his hands over her thighs before he gently grabbed her leg in his hand placing it on his own to give him better access, her body electrified by the innocent act as she swallowed hard before taking in a sharp breath at the tantalizing feeling of his fingers running through her slippery folds. He was slow, the overly wet sound of his fingers easily gliding through her seeming to be the loudest thing in the room as he stopped at her clit, his finger slowly and firmly rubbing beautifully agonizing circles around it as he trailed his kisses towards her ear.

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