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Cassidy's POV

She kept herself as composed as one could after finding out that the person they are madly in love with got another girl pregnant. She didn't glance over her shoulder at him, she didn't even openly acknowledge the fact that he was leaving as she stood looking out of the large windows of her suite, once the door clicked softly closed behind him and she was sure that he was gone she fell to the floor, an excruciating pain radiating through her knees with the force of them colliding against it as she started crying into her hands. She still wasn't sure how all of this was possible, nothing was making sense to her. There had to be something super special about her to make him give up his guard the moment that he met her--well she was assuming it was the moment that he met her if she got pregnant that quickly--to decide that he wanted her of all people to be the mother of his children.

She wasn't jealous not in the least. After all it was his life and he was the one who had to live with the decisions that he made, but still none of it made sense. He had been with several other girls--five to be exact and that wasn't even counting the ones that he hooked up with from time to time--and with each one of them he made sure that they were on some kind of protection and he left her in charge to make sure that happened. She even remembered him being with Ash and Kano--two of the girls that he was more serious about then the rest--and making sure that they were on the pill or had an IUD so that there would be no slip ups. Yet, with Jessica he just let it all go like it was no big deal.

She lifted her head leaning back against the heavy chair that he had just gotten his body out of a few minutes before as she let out a long and heavy sigh. She thought about calling Adam and asking him to come so she could talk about this to someone, she was hoping that maybe he had an answer for her, that maybe he knew what was so captivating about her to make him fall under such deep of a spell. But, she quickly decided against it. Sure he knew about her and Austin but for right now she wanted to leave it at that. He didn't need to be roped into the drama that somehow was already invading their relationship just a few short days after it started.

She took in an extremely shaky breath, her hands coming up to wipe at the tears that were staining her cheeks as she pushed herself from the ground, her feet slowly carrying her over the plush beige carpet to the bedroom. She climbed onto the bed pulling the weight of the heavy comforter over her body as she flicked on the TV, Lifetime instantly appearing on the screen as she positioned herself to be more comfortable in the big bed that she wished more than anything she was sharing with Austin. She tried to keep her focus on the TV, tried to let the mind numbingly predictable drama distract her from her thoughts but it was no use. She couldn't stop thinking about him and despite how upset she was at the news that he shared with her she knew that deep down she couldn't be mad at him. It was in his past--even though she'd consider it the recent past--but more importantly the love that she feels for him greatly out shadowed this and it was proved in the fact that as she stared at the TV screen all she could see was Austin.

She quickly pushed the covers from her body as she walked towards the door and slid into a pair of flip flops that were haphazardly thrown there, her hand grabbing her key from the small shelf by the door as she pocketed it and ran towards the elevator. Her feet didn't seem to be carrying her quick enough and at the moment the destination that they had in mind was unknown to her, she just trusted in them to take her to where she needed to go. She practically ran into the elevator when it arrived to her floor, her finger pressing the button for the lobby as she impatiently drummed her fingers against the small metal railing that wrapped around the elevator. The doors clanked open and she was quickly walking through them heading straight towards the hotel bar, she wasn't really sure why she was going here but something about the way he left made her feel as though this was the exact place that she would find him.

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