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Cassidy's POV

"I love you Cass" he said, his eyes dancing with hers as he let go of her one hand to swipe his thumb over her cheek as she smiled up at him. She couldn't control the rush of tingles that ran through her body as his raspy voice quietly let the words leave his lips. She had waited for years for him to say that to her the way that he said it now and it felt even better than she could ever imagine.

"I love you too Aus" she said, a fire igniting behind his eyes that she had never witnessed before turning them from that brilliant crystal blue that she had fallen in love with years ago to a deep onyx, the look of them making wave after wave of tingles course through her body as she felt her walls clench against his length before he leaned in connecting their lips together, his tongue quickly swirling with hers, her arms coming up to wrap around his perfect neck as she started to let herself get lost in him as he pulled away from her.

"You ready?" he asked, her lips turning into a smirk as she gently bit on her bottom lip. The way he was being so gentle with her, so caring and actually thinking that he needed to give her an out made her body quiver for him even more as she nodded her head against the pillow as he gently connected their lips together again before pulling away slowly.

"Yes" she said looking deeply into his eyes as he smiled down at her, that perfect smile coming across his face as he let out a small chuckle as he slowly connected his lips together with hers instantly kissing her slow and deep as she started to moan at the feeling of his lips against hers as he slowly moved his hands to connect with hers dragging both of them slowly up and over her head just as he started to move himself inside of her.

The feeling was unlike anything she had ever felt before, the way his long girthy dick stretched open her walls was enough to make her scream out in absolute pleasure as soon as she felt the friction of him moving inside of her. She moaned deeper into his mouth, her arms struggling to break free from his grasp in a desperate need to roam them over his perfect skin as he chuckled softly against her parted lips. She let out a small hiss of pleasure, her hands squeezing tightly against his as she felt his warm wet lips traveling from her own down her neck, the feeling of his tongue gliding over her warm skin making her walls clench against his dick as he let out a small groan accompanied by a slight nip of his teeth against her sensitive skin.

"Austin" she moaned, her legs leaving his hips as she rested her feet against the mattress arching her back to press against him more, his hand leaving hers as drug it down to rest it against her hip as he started pushing into her quicker and deeper, his dick barely leaving her with each thrust as his warm panting breaths feathered against her sweaty skin. She brought her free hand down to rest on his shoulder, her perfectly manicured black nails digging into the soft skin of his back leaving small crescent shaped indents against it as she moaned loudly, each one echoing off of the walls before coming back and wrapping both of them in a cocoon of love and desire.

She whimpered more as he pressed his plump lips against the crook of her neck, her fingers roaming up to the small hairs at the base of his neck as she desperately grabbed at them, a small growl of approval leaving his lips as he dug his strong fingers into the soft skin of her hip while he thrusted into her harder and deeper. She felt small moans leave her lips as he slowly trailed his own back to meet with hers, pressing them together quickly as she looked deep into his onyx eyes, his hips pausing for just a minute as his quick breaths washed over her sweaty skin.

"You're so beautiful Cass so fucking beautiful and I love you so much" he said, his lips pressing against hers soft and deep before pulling away from her slowly, his fingertips brushing against her skin as he traveled them up her body to gently rub his thumb over her cheek, her body feeling like it was going to float away with the tingles that were consuming it as she leaned up and pressed her lips against his.

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