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Cassidy's POV

"So much for that nap" she said with a smile as she lay wrapped in his arms, her smiling lips pressing against his as he let out a small chuckle, the tips of his fingers slowly moving up and down her back as he pulled away from her just enough to get his words out.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself" he said in that deep raspy voice that made her body tingle as she curled herself closer into the warmth of his skin, her arm slung over his waist as she softly ran her fingertips against his warm flesh.

She let out a sigh as she stared deep into the icy blue of his perfect eyes, her heart starting to melt as he held her closer pressing soft kisses to every part of her face before pressing his lips tightly against hers. She pulled herself to him closer, her hand sliding up his back to rest on his shoulder as she melted her body against his, his arms wrapping around her tighter as she moaned. Everything about the way he was kissing her was sending tingles through her spine, making her feel like they were kissing for the first time every time his lips pressed against hers. Just being with him—and really being with him—made everything about them so much better than it was before. She pulled away from him with a happy sigh, a wide smile on her lips as she started to gently rub his back.

"I love you Austin" she said through a wide smile, one of his own spreading wide across his lips as he pressed his lips to the tip of her nose, butterflies running rampant through her body as she let her eyes close just briefly before slowly fluttering her long lashes back open.

"I love you too Cass" he said quietly, the music that was pouring in through the walls of the house almost making it impossible to hear him, but she knew what was spilling from his perfect lips and she couldn't be happier knowing that they were being said for her and her alone, an overwhelming sense of comfort flooding through her knowing that she no longer had to share him.

She rolled away from him just a little, his arms trying to stop her from the small movement as she stretched her arms over her head, the covers falling from her chest allowing the cool air to float over her skin making goosebumps form on her flesh. She let out a small giggle as his fingertips started tickling her sides, her body immediately curling back into his  as she laughed against his chest, her new position seeming to be the exact place he wanted her as he stopped, pressing a long kiss into the top of her head.

"That's better" he said making her giggle as he squeezed her tightly before she pulled her body away from his as she walked two of her fingers up his chest and over his beard before letting them land on his lips, the pillow softness of them pressing against the pads of her fingers making her smile.

She let them rest there, her eyes dancing with the beautiful crystal blue of his before letting them roam over every feature of his perfect face from the beautiful black ink littering his skin, to the smoothness of his cheeks and the roughness of his beard that was trimmed perfectly, fitting tight against his face. She let her eyes roam over those perfect pillow soft lips before moving them over his perfect nose as they landed back on his eyes that always made her feel like she was looking into her favorite body of water that only he possessed.

"You know" she said with a smile, a smirk starting to form on his lips the sight of it making her heart flutter as she moved her fingers from his perfectly plump lips and replaced them with her own. There was always something about his little grins and smiles that made her heart flutter. "You don't seem to upset about losing your girlfriend" she said with a smile as he started shaking his head with a loud laugh.

"That's because I didn't lose her, I finally got her and I couldn't be happier" he said, his arms wrapping around her tighter as she felt herself melt into the warmness of his arms. She knew that she was smiling like a giddy schoolgirl at his comment, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't be happier either, all those years of waiting had finally paid off and she was finally his and he was finally hers and everything finally felt right. The only thing she wished that she could change was doing this sooner.

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