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Cassidy's POV

She watched him walk away, her lip nestled between her teeth as her eyes roamed over every part of his body, everything about him being more attractive to her than it was before. The butterflies that were resting deep in her stomach fluttering rapidly to life as she sank into the cool leather of the couch. She wasn't sure what was going to happen when he came back from his shower, but she hoped that it involved a ton more moments of her lips getting acquainted with his. She let her mind wander for a moment wondering if just maybe he would sweep her away between the sheets as they finally expressed just how much they really liked each other.

The thought made her insides ignite with hot flames that were tickling her skin, the fluttering of the butterflies sending wave after wave of tingles to glide through her. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to take it there with him, because she did more than she wanted to admit, and if it came to that tonight she wouldn't stop it. There was no denying that their feelings for each other really came out full force tonight, but with him it didn't feel weird. There has been nothing but burning chemistry between them as long as she could remember and as far as she was concerned everything happening between them tonight was nothing more than a build up that couldn't be contained anymore.

She pulled her legs up onto the couch with a school girl smile on her face, as she crossed them underneath her, her head resting back against the top of the couch as she fiddled with her fingers as she examined her perfect manicure. She was nervous--examining things something she did when she was nervous--and she couldn't help but laugh that she was nervous because of him the one person that she had felt the most comfortable around the entire five years that she knew him. Yet, all it took was one feel of his lips against hers to make her feel like she was back in high school waiting for her date to pick her up for prom. She heard the shower water shut off in the back of the bus, her heart starting to beat even faster as she let out a breath trying to stop her nerves from getting the best of her. She saw the door open, her head leaning to the side as she tried to catch a glimpse of him, another laugh coming to her face as she remembered how many times she had seen him with no shirt on and sometimes even in just his boxers in greenrooms before, but catching a glimpse of him like that tonight would be completely different and the thought made her start to breathe heavier as she shook her head with a chuckle trying to pull herself back together.

She looked up as she heard the door to the back room open, a wide smile spreading across her face as she saw him walking towards her, a pair of black joggers hanging low on his hips showing off the top of his Calvin Klein boxers with a white shirt hanging in his hands that she was desperately hoping he didn't put on his skin. She drug her bottom lip between her teeth as she let her eyes roam over his body without an ounce of shame. He did change since she last saw him, a few new tattoos littered his body--a chuckle coming to her mind that he covered up his entire chest--and a little extra weight that she was thankful for since she always thought he looked better that way. She drug her eyes slowly up his body, landing on his perfect blue eyes that no one else seemed to possess as he gave her a shy smile. He started to gather the shirt in his hand so he could easily slip it over his head as she got up from her spot on the couch, her hand lying on the shirt as she gently pushed it down as their eyes danced heavily together.

"Don't" she said, her other hand drifting over his waist as she started to drag it up his side her eyes leaving his for a split second as she watched the tips of her fingers caress the dark lines of his many tattoos that covered the rose gold skin of his stomach. They were perfect, he was perfect and no one was ever going to make her think different of that. "I like what I see" she said quietly as she brought her gaze back to his, what she assumed would normally be a confident smirk turning into a shy smile as she returned it happily with one of hers.

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