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Austin's POV

"What is your obsession with her? And can you not sit here, we'll be squished" she said, her eyes doing a quick once over of his girthier than normal waist before he shook his head at her with a sad gaze as he sat himself in the back of the Escalade as she slid closer to her brother in the bench seats in front of him.

"I don't have an obsession with her" he lied, because he did in fact have a huge obsession with Cass that he never realized until his lips met with hers, but it wasn't time to tell Jessica that just yet. "She's just been my fucking best friend since this whole thing started" he said as he saw her laughing as she turned to look at him, her eyes scanning his body once again with a look of disgust before placing them on his.

"First off ew, can you not talk to me that way? I'm not one of your stupid friends and second, I think you should end this relationship. It's weird you act like more than friends and you really wouldn't want TMZ to find out you've been cheating on your innocent girlfriend would you?" she asked, her smirk closely imitating that of the devil as he felt his anger grow tremendously within him.

He was speechless for just a second, but not because he didn't know what to say. He knew exactly what he wanted to tell her but if he said it they way it was racing through his mind right now he knew it would not end well. He watched as that shit eating grin that she put on her face got wider as he let her have her moment before he knocked her back down to the level she needed to be. He couldn't help the smile that was forming on his lips as he thought about it. He knew it was wrong to find pleasure in fighting with her, but he simply didn't care anymore. Ever since that unfortunate mishap–which at the time wasn't unfortunate, at least for him–she thought she had him right where she wanted him and for a while she did, but now he was just waiting to break free from all of it.

He leaned forward after what felt like hours, his heavily inked forearms resting on his thighs as he looked her dead in the eyes only a few inches from her face. The confidence she had was fading quickly and he couldn't help but smile at the fact that he still had the upper hand despite what she thought.

"You wouldn't dare tell anyone shit because that would mean you have to leave me and leaving me means leaving my money too and we both know you wouldn't want that, am I right Princess?" he asked with a smirk as she swallowed hard.

"I know you think you have the upperhand because of what happened, but that was six months ago Jessica and I've fucking had it with you thinking you could control me because of it" he spat as she took in a sharp breath, her brother turning to look at him.

"You can't talk to her like that! She said that you treated her terribly at times and now I see it! I don't know who you thi..." he started as Austin started laughing.

"Are you fucking joking? You have nothing to do with this conversation and you are only here because your highness didn't want to be alone, heaven forbid she spend time with her fucking boyfriend" he said, his eyes cutting back towards hers to see a nervousness floating on the surface. "So sit back and enjoy your all inclusive trip and mind your own damn business" he said, a nervous Paul turning in his seat as Austin focused his gaze back on Jessica.

"As for you my love" he said with a sneer, the words making him feel nauseous as he said them. "I will not stop talking to Cassidy. Unlike you she enjoys being around me and I am not going to spend time in New York–where I didn't even want to be but came here so you can be with your friends and ignore me–alone" he said, her lip starting to quiver. He felt bad for being so hard with her–though he didn't know why–but it also felt good to finally have the upperhand.

"Austin, I'm sorry" she said, her voice shaking as she spoke. He felt a pull at his heart seeing her upset. He knew he shouldn't treat her the way he did but fuck she needed to hear all of this.

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