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Austin's POV

"Wow this is fantastic; you guys did an amazing job" he said with a smile, bringing the glass of wine to his nose as he took a smell before bringing it back to his lips to take another sip of the dark red liquid that had a cherry and chocolate taste to it, the soft tannins leaving his mouth dry but not overly dry. It was perfect and was exactly what he needed today for his lunch with Cass and he was never more eager to share this with her than he was today.

"I agree Posty, this is fantastic. Maybe even slightly better than Maison" Dre said with a loud laugh that made Austin roll his eyes as he sat back in his seat resting his ankle on his knee, his free hand coming out to rest on his thigh as he continued to sip on the new wine that they created for him...well really for Cass, he knew that she was going to love it.

"As much as I love this new wine, I have to say that Maison will always have a special place in my heart Dre" he said with a laugh as he reached out for the unlabeled bottle and poured himself more of the dark red liquid. "Stefan you wouldn't mind if I took a bottle of this out to the lunch that they are preparing for me and my girlfriend would you? Red is her favorite and I know that she will love this" he said with a smile before bringing the glass back up to his lips as he took another sip.

"You and Cass man" Dre said with a smile as he started to shake his head. "I always thought something was going on between the two of you man, but I never thought you'd actually act on it" he said as he popped another tasting cracker into his mouth before reaching out for his glass glancing over towards Austin who raised his one eyebrow and let out a confused laugh.

"Why would think that I would never act on it?" he said with a smile as he brought the glass to his lips looking at Dre the entire time as he took a long sip of his wine.

"I don't know man she just doesn't seem like your type if you know what I mean" he said with a smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Also not to mention you're more of a party type and once a cheater always a cheater. Cassidy is older man, she's what thirty two? She isn't in to that playing around shit. But, maybe she grew you the fuck up because you fucking need it sometimes asshole" he said with a laugh as Austin chuckled before letting out a sigh as he stood up grabbing his glass of wine and started walking towards the door.

He reached in his pocket grabbing out his pack of cigarettes holding the pack between his finger and the wine glass as he used his free hand to pull out a smoke. He brought it to his lips in one fluid motion followed by the lighter as he sparked it lit holding the flame to the end while taking in a deep drag. He walked over towards a railing sliding his hand back into his pocket as he dropped his smokes back inside. He rested his hand on the railing letting the cigarette dangle from his lips as he looked out over the grounds before letting his head fall between his shoulders.

Once a cheater always a cheater.

Dre's words echoed through his head over and over and over. He'd like to tell him that he was wrong, that he didn't know what the hell he was talking about but after what he did with Jessica in the bar there was no way that he could even argue that. He didn't know why he did what he did with Jessica, after he left her he didn't even feel a bit of remorse nor did he miss her. Fuck after being with Cass he didn't even find her—or any other girl for that matter—even remotely attractive. He shook his head as he backed up to sit down on a chair, his wine glass resting against the table as he rested his head in his hand and let out a sigh.

He slid his hand into his other pocket closing his fingers around the diamond as he pulled it out of his pocket holding it between his legs in his thumb and index finger. He knew it would look beautiful on her finger, white gold with four one carat diamonds on each side of the large four carat princess cut diamond. It was perfect for her and he couldn't see him giving it—or any ring for that matter—to any other girl but her. They had a history together, she knew him better than anyone else and they had a connection that he never had with anyone else. She was perfect and his everything.

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