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Cassidy's POV

She wasn't sure why she gave in so easily to his request, especially since Jessica was by far the worst girl that he had ever dated. At least with everyone else they were civil, reserved yes—something she felt he requested of them since his split with Ash years ago—but not standoffish or thinking they were down right better than everyone else like this one. She needed to know more, there had to be some reason he ended up with her, something that made him feel he had to stay. He wasn't happy with her, she could see it written clearly on his face, and she made a mental note at that thought that she was going to do his short festival tour with him. Not just because she wanted all the details of what she would classify as his relationship from hell, but because she knew he felt what she did when they were together, she could feel it running through her veins whenever they looked at each other or touched each other tonight. She didn't want to hide it anymore, she was determined to tell him how she felt, and how it went after that, well, she guessed she'd have to live with the outcome.

She joined the group of people that she was talking with earlier, her body there physically but her mind only focusing on Austin. She watched with a smile as he pulled at his hair—a nervous trait about him that she loved—as he paced back and forth. She wanted to run to him and press her lips against his and tell him to stop fighting it because she felt it too, but right now wasn't the time. She was sure he was nervous enough as it was and she didn't want to add to it. She smiled around her straw trying to hold in her laugh as she watched him chug down the contents of his beer before grabbing another one. She knew if he kept drinking like that, tonight would be a disaster, so she promised herself to keep an eye on him knowing no one else would.

She let out a sigh as Tyla walked over, a smile tugging at his lips at how happy he was to see him. She had a feeling based on his radio silence with her that all friends were removed from the communication line and that hurt her more than she thought it would. He loved spending time with his friends and the thought of Jessica changing that made her skin boil. She quickly scanned the area to see if she could find the Queen Bitch only to see that she was tucked in a corner whispering to her brother. She knew this atmosphere was new to her, but she should at least be trying to enjoy herself and support what her boyfriend did, well at least that's what she would do and had been doing for years. But, how she distanced herself from him only made her feel as though everything about them was so distant and that she wanted to disassociate herself from anything that dealt with him—well anything but his money and fame it seemed—as much as she could.

She felt herself getting angry at the situation, not jealous but down right angry. He deserved so much better than he was getting with Jessica and it killed her that he didn't see it. He never saw it, he always put up these blinders thinking he wasn't deserving of real love, but he was so wrong. She looked back over at him staring at the man she was desperately in love with as he looked back over his shoulder towards her with that sexy sideways smirk she swooned for. Their eyes connected heavily as he shot her a wink. She had thought her heart had literally stopped beating in her chest as she tried to stop her knees from giving out beneath her, but she didn't want to give him that satisfaction as she thought quickly for a reaction. She kept her heavy gaze with his, as she brought her bottom lip between her teeth for just seconds before letting it fall loose replacing it with her black plastic straw she slowly put her lips around. She tried not to smile as his eyes got wide and his mouth slightly parted, her eyes following his hand as he covered his dick, his other hand quickly bringing his can of beer to his lips. She turned around letting out a satisfied smile as she realized he may be more into her than she initially believed and that wasn't a problem with her whatsoever.


She kept a close distance to Austin all night, his drinking becoming more intense as set after set kept getting pushed back. She watched in agony for him as the drunker he became he tried time and time again to give Jessica a kiss or just reach out to hold her hand, only for her to remove herself from his vicinity. Each time she would walk away from him she found his eyes scanning the area, finally landing on hers as she would give him a sweet smile, his face instantly softening to her response to him as he continued on with his conversations. She smiled to herself knowing that she was at least helping him get through the night—a task not new to her in any way—and just for tonight she would be his shoulder before she dived in head first to see if they could be something more.

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