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Austin's POV

He had felt her start to stir next to him, the soft sounds of the sheets moving against their otherwise naked bodies making his eyes slowly flutter open before he brought them closed again. He didn't want to face reality right now, he didn't want to come to terms with the fact that their night in their own little bubble of a world that should've existed years ago was going to have to come to an end. He didn't like the thought of having to hide her, of having to keep their relationship a secret. He let out a small inaudible sigh as he felt her start to leave from his arms, his own resting on her tighter as he kept her next to him moving her closer to him as he pressed his lips over the warm skin of her shoulder. He couldn't help but laugh at the gasp that she took, his lips curving against her warm skin as he let out a raspy laugh.

"Morning beautiful, I didn't mean to scare you" he whispered against her skin, his lips brushing it slightly as he spoke, making him smile at the goosebumps that were rising on her warm flesh from the feel of his soft breath cascading against it. He pressed his lips over them, moving them slowly across her small shoulder making his way to the perfect curve of her neck.

He smiled against her skin as he felt her sliding her slender fingers into the spaces of his, his own immediately wrapping around her delicate hand as she gave his a squeeze making him immediately reciprocate the warm action. His lips continued their journey of her skin, kissing her slowly as if he was trying to imprint the feel of her skin against them or preserve the saltiness of her skin within them, anything that would make the memory of their time together linger with him for later today when he knew he wasn't going to be able to be with her. He pulled away from her slowly as he positioned himself differently behind her, the loud rustle of the sheets filling the otherwise quiet room as he slowly pulled his hand away from hers, running it slowly over every dip and curve that her perfect body possessed. He connected his lips back to her skin–a place they suddenly didn't want to vacate–as he slowly caressed every part of her shoulder and neck, small suction sounds emitting from them as he moved them on their morning exploration of her flesh.

He heard her moan in front of him as she wiggled her body to press tighter against his, the feeling of her plump ass pressing against his hard dick made his heart stop as he did his best to muffle his own groan of satisfaction to the feeling, but he didn't let it distract him as he continued on with his task. His fingertips slowly started drifting up toward her defined hip, his hand resting on top of it as he gave it a tight squeeze as a small moan left her lips. A smirk started tugging at his lips as he grinned against her warm skin. The way that she reacted to his touch was something he hadn't experienced from a girl in a long time. He couldn't quite remember when he was with someone who enjoyed the way his hands felt on their skin, the way his lips felt against theirs or was attracted to the way he looked but that didn't matter because he found it again, and he was going to savor every moment of it even though he knew he would get more.

He continued caressing her neck with his plump lips while he let his fingers leave their resting place as they wandered closer and closer to her heat. He could feel her breathing start to escalate as he teased her just slightly as he ran his fingertips over the soft skin of her inner thigh as strings of sweet moans left her lips. He groaned against her skin as he felt his dick start to swell against her ass as he pulled her closer to him, his lips connecting with her earlobe as he pulled on it gently as she pressed back against him. For a moment he felt bad that sex with her was the first thing on his mind when he woke up, but after seeing and feeling how she was reacting to him he knew that they were right on the same page.

He continued roaming his hands over her thighs, loving the feel of them against his fingers before he grabbed her leg and gently slid it up over his own, giving him better access to the place he wanted to be as he slowly ran his fingers through her saturated folds. He couldn't help but smirk at how ready she was for him, especially since just him touching her made this happen. She was breathing heavy as he slowly started to move his fingers from her wet hole towards her clit, the sounds of her rapidly beating heart, labored breaths and her excessive wetness filling the room as he closed his eyes at the sounds of sex that were surrounding him. He bent his head down, his lips connecting with her earlobe as he started to toy with it between his teeth while his finger slowly and firmly started rubbing beautifully agonizing circles around her overly stimulated clit.

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