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Cassidy's POV

She opened her eyes to the bright sun peeking its way around the closed curtains, a small smile tugging on her lips as she started to feel for Austin's hands, but it was quickly wiped away as her heart started to race in her chest that maybe he didn't come home last night. She rolled over trying to calm her racing heart only to see that his side of the bed was empty, the covers were messed but she wasn't sure if it was from before he left or if it was from her. She had to admit that ever since he left she had a hard time sleeping and staying asleep and was all over the bed for at least an hour.

She sat up pulling her knees into her chest, her hands coming up to grab at her hair as she bit on her bottom lip, a familiar lump starting to rise in her throat as she closed her eyes only to have warm tears start to leak from between her long lashes. Maybe she was wrong to let him go out by himself, maybe she should've gone with him, but she wanted him to know that she trusted him with everything she had. She knew that he loved her, there was no doubt in her mind about that but now that she was sitting here in an empty bed at eight in the morning just two hours before they were supposed to be on a plane to Provence, she couldn't help but remember all of the times she saw him flirting and kissing other girls while they were out even while his girlfriends were just a few feet away.

She shook her head as she rubbed her palms over her tear-streaked face taking in a shaky breath before running her fingers through her hair one more time. He wouldn't do that to her. He loved her and he had never loved any of the other girls that he was with. What they had was different, it was real and the bond between them was so strong. She let out a sigh thinking that maybe she was thinking about things too much. Besides the whole cheating on Jessica with her situation, he had never done it personally to her. She was the only one that he had his sights on since they reunited with each other just a month and a half ago. She took in a shaky breath as she shook her head, her shaky hand coming up to wipe at the tears that were under her eyes before she pushed the covers from her body and swung her legs over the edge of the mattress, her feet touching the cool hardwood as she started to make her way towards the living area of their suite wondering if maybe he was out there.

She quietly walked towards the double doors that separated their room from the living room, her hand wrapping around the cold handle as she pushed it down and pulled the door towards her as she stepped into the living room, her hand coming to her chest and her eyes closing as she let out a breath accompanied by a smile as she saw Austin sleeping—what appeared to be very uncomfortably—on the white leather couch. He was in nothing but his boxers, his shirt and his jeans laying in a pile on the floor and the fluffy white blanket was draped over him as small snores drifted towards her. She smiled as she walked over towards him, her assumptions being that he came in late and didn't want to wake her and something about that was so sweet.

She sat herself down on the floor, her hand coming out towards his cheek as she ran her fingertips down his jawline smiling as he reacted to her soft touch before she leaned in pressing a soft kiss to his lips. God did she miss the feeling of them against hers all night, she missed them more than she thought she would, and she was hoping that today was going to be a day of making up for all of the kisses that they missed last night. She started to smile against his lips as she slowly pulled away from them, his hand coming up to rub over his face before he rested it back down on the cushions as she smiled at him.

"Hey" she said quietly, her lips pressing against his again as she brought her hand up to his warm shoulder giving him a small shake as he started to groan in protest against her attempts at waking him up.

"Aus" she said with a giggle, her fingertips slowly moving over his chest as he suddenly sprang awake, his hand coming down to tightly wrap around her wrist, his eyes glaring down at her with a look behind them that she never quiet seen before as she shook her head at him with a confused glare. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked pulling her wrist from his grasp as she moved away from him.

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