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Cassidy's POV

She hadn't stopped crying the entire flight to Chicago and she couldn't help but wonder if what she did was the wrong decision. Even though what she had seen him do with Jessica was quite convincing that he was playing not just her but Jessica as well–and she knew him well enough to know that he liked his cake and to eat it too–she still felt like she had walked away from the best person that she had let into her life in more ways than friendship. But yet, he didn't make a move to stop her. He didn't reach out and pull her away from the taxi door–shit he might as well fucking opened it for her–he just stood there and watched her walk away. The drive from the hotel to the airport also didn't prove to be promising and she wasn't sure why but she had hoped he would reach out, say something that would make her lean over the seat and tell the taxi driver to turn around and she would go back to him like the cliche ending of a sappy romance movie where the two main characters were supposed to be together. But, unfortunately that wasn't the case for her.

She let out a sigh as she felt the wheels of the plane hit the runway, another wave of tears leaving her eyes as she looked next to her to see an empty seat, wishing more than anything that it was occupied by the one man she knew she would still always love more than anyone. She quickly pulled out her phone wiping at what she was sure was a severely mascara stained face with the back of her hand, her thumb quickly switching it off of airplane mode as she anxiously awaited to get service. Her heart felt like it was beating in her throat as she looked at the screen, her eyes dancing over the picture of her and Austin at the Rainbow Room hoping that his name would come up on the banner, but after what felt like years of waiting nothing showed up. She pursed her lips together as she felt another wave of tears take over her, the water from them making her vision cloudy as she shook her head dropping the phone in her lap as she looked out the tiny window. She couldn't believe that he just let what they had go just like that and even though a small part of her felt it was her fault too she couldn't help but feel like he didn't even try to save them he just let her and their memories go like dust in the wind.

She let everyone pass by her–even though first class disembarked the plane first–as she continued to stare out the window trying her hardest to forget about the amazing week that her and Austin had in New York and definitely trying to forget the amazing first night they spent with each other at Rolling Loud when they both decided it was time to admit that they had feelings for each other. But, try as hard as she could, they wouldn't seem to budge from the front of her mind almost as if they didn't want to be forgotten and the more she struggled with them the more she realized she didn't want to forget them either. They were amazing moments with an amazing person and they made her feel the best she had ever felt in a long time and even though they were going to kill her, she knew that she didn't want to let them go. For right now they were all she had left of him, of them and she would let them hang around for a while until they finally decided to drift away on their own.

She finally let out a sigh as she grabbed her purse and her small carry on from the overhead compartment as she drug herself from the seat. She smiled at the kind stewardess who looked her over in the dress that she was wearing for Austin, a small smile coming to her lips as she tried to imagine what she looked like to everyone else on this plane as she quickly walked up the jet bridge that led her into the airport. She quickly grabbed her bag from baggage claim before walking out to the curb to hail yet another cab to take her to the Waldorf Astoria that was just a few minutes away from Grant Park. She knew that it was risky and she knew that Austin and the team would be there soon, but she also couldn't help but wonder if she did it on purpose because he was still the first person on her mind.

She climbed into the back of the cab, her head resting against the seat after she told the taxi driver where she was headed as she looked at the city that was just coming to life fly by her window, a part of her wishing that she and Austin were going to go out for the night and enjoy it but instead here she was by herself and even though she knew Austin played a huge role in it, it really was no ones fault but her own. She let her eyes flutter closed as she took in a shaky breath hoping more than anything that she was done crying for the evening as she felt her phone start to vibrate in her lap. She felt a jolt of excitement rush through her body as she quickly grabbed for it and turned it over, every part of her wishing that it was Austin calling to  tell her that he was coming out to be with her, but it was just Adam. She really didn't want to answer, she didn't want to relive that horrible brief encounter with Austin, but Adam was one of her best friends on the team and she didn't want to be rude to him like that.

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