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Austin's POV

He rolled over in the bed, a small smile starting to spread across his lips as he anticipated the feeling of Cassidy's warm body lying next to him, every part of him all too eager to pull her into him as he gently kissed her shoulder blades and quietly whispered good morning to the girl that he loved more than anything. But instead, all he found was emptiness and the feeling made his heart plummet—like one of those free-falling rides he hated more than anything—right into his stomach instantly making him nauseas. It couldn't have been a dream, everything that happened last night could not have been some wildly crazy dream. She felt too real, their sex felt too real and the conversation that they had with their friends out by the fireplace....it all felt too fucking real for him to wake up to his shitty life with Jessica asleep in the other room, he absolutely refused to believe it.

He groaned rubbing his hands over his face realizing that dream or not he was awake now and he had to get up and face whoever was waiting for him in his house—if anyone—every ounce of him hoping that it was Cassidy, but by the looks of things in his room it kept looking more and more obvious that she was nowhere to be found, although he still refused to believe it until he searched the entire house and found no evidence of her being here. He reached onto the floor pulling on his boxers and black gym shorts—that he distinctly remembered sliding into last night after his and Cass's intimate moment— and quickly walked out of his room. He paused almost instantly as his feet hit the dark hardwood of the hallway, his head turning towards the kitchen with a smile as his heart started to quicken. The mouthwatering scent of freshly cooking bacon tickled his nose instantly making his hopes rise since Jessica never cooked anything for breakfast...ever.

He started walking quickly towards his kitchen, his heart starting to beat rapidly as he quickly turned the corner only to let out a breath—that he had no idea he had been holding in his entire walk towards the kitchen—as he saw Cassidy wearing his plain white tee—that looked more like a mini dress on her—that he had on last night. Her hair was piled in a high bun with a lot of strands falling from the back and sides and she was swaying to the new Ed Sheeran song. He watched her, his heart starting to float back up to its rightful spot in his body and his nausea starting to drift away from him as he realized he was right, they weren't a dream they were real, and he couldn't be happier that now all he had to worry about was her which is how it should've been for the last several years. If only he wasn't so fucking stupid.

He leaned against the wall crossing his one foot over the other and his arms across his chest as he continued to watch her with a smile. She was so fucking beautiful, and she only got more and more beautiful as the years progressed and watching her dancing in his kitchen wearing his clothes was definitely something that he could get used to waking up to every morning. He smiled and shook his head to himself, his one hand coming up to run over his hair as he pushed himself off of the wall. He wanted to sit here and watch her forever, but he also didn't want to be a creeper. He cleared his throat as she jumped just slightly before looking over towards him, she gave him a quick smile before bringing her hand to her lips and blowing him a quick kiss. He smirked as he ran his hand through his hair shaking his head as he felt his cheeks start to turn red as he started to walk towards her trying not to rush so he didn't seem too desperate to hold her even though he was dying to do it ever since he rolled over in his bed this morning.

He walked up behind her after what felt like forever, his hands wrapping around her waist as he immediately leaned his head in to press soft kisses against her neck loving how she giggled and reacted so lovingly to his touch as he slowly worked his lips up the side of her neck towards her ear. He playfully started to nip at it making her laugh, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he pressed a soft kiss to her ear.

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