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Cassidy's POV

She stretched her arms over her head as the sun started streaming in from the bare window, a bright stream of warmth resting over her face as she turned her head to find the peacefulness of the shade that hung in the room. She reached her hand out to find the familiar feeling of a warm body, but when it fell down onto the still warm sheets her eyes popped open to find that the very person she was hoping to be next to her was absent. She sat herself up looking around the room hoping that his clothes would still be strewn on the beige rug, her heart moving to a steady rhythm when they were lying just where he left them last night letting her know that his absence from her was short lived. She laid herself back down against the softness of the pillow, her hands running over her eyes as she let out a small sigh.

Last night was a wreck of astronomical proportions until they both finally came to their senses, well she supposed she had to credit Austin with saving everything because her stubbornness was worse than his and she was liable to hold a grudge for days. But, even though they forgave each other in one of the most beautiful and intimate ways that any two lovers could, she couldn't help but wonder what he was harboring inside of him that still kept him connected to Jessica. She had a few thoughts running through her mind--blackmail, escort, pregnant, he was just a plain sucker--but none of them seemed to be making sense to her. She knew Austin well enough to know that he wouldn't stand for blackmail--not that he would even do anything that would require that--he would simply give her the money that she wanted and call it a day. An escort wouldn't be too far off, he had been known to date a few of those since she had known him, and pregnancy...she shook her head at the thought hoping that it would throw that one into the furthest corners of her mind.

She sighed again as she sat herself back up, her fingers attempting to slide through her overly messy hair as she flopped her hands down into her lap as she looked around the room. The reasoning why he was still pretending with Jessica was definitely something that needed to be addressed, she was okay with sharing him for now but she was sure that sharing him for the long term over reasons that she was in the dark about was something that she wasn't going to be able to do no matter how much she loved him. She shook her head not wanting to think of it now, they had just fixed themselves and survived their first minor disagreement and she was going with him today to watch him work--admittedly one of her favorite things to do--and she didn't want her roaming thoughts to ruin that.

With a smile she slid herself from the bed grabbing Austin's shirt from the floor as she slid it over her body, the smell of his cologne making small goosebumps form on her skin as she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to let the smell permeate her body so she could carry it with her forever. She smiled to herself shaking her head at how into him she really was--more so than she had thought--as she quietly walked out towards the living area of the suite that Austin had got for her, her feet sinking into the plushness of the beige carpet as she stopped in her tracks to see him sitting in one of the armchairs that sat overlooking the city skyline. He was in nothing but his boxers and just the sight of him sitting there had her drooling, the way that the sun was shining perfectly against his skin was giving it that amazing golden tint that she loved making tingles travel from her toes to her head as she smiled softly at him. He was perfect to her in everyway possible and he had been since she met him that night sitting out on the steps while he smoked his cigarette, the words I like you, I think this will work always haunted her beautifully because as soon as she heard that voice and saw that smile she was hooked.

She started walking over towards him, a smile spreading widely across her face the closer that she got to him before stopping behind the chair, her hands slowly gliding over the warm skin of his shoulders before resting on his pecks as she leaned in towards him, her lips placing soft kisses against his ear as she heard him groan into the feeling. He brought his hand up to hers, his fingers gently lifting her hand so he could slide his into the empty spaces of hers as she chuckled quietly into his ear.

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