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Austin's POV

"Oh fuck baby right there, fuck yes" she moaned, the sounds of her unending pleasure feeling his ears and driving him towards his end as he started pushing in her harder, his fingers tangled with hers as he held them tightly over her head as she did her best to keep him as close to her as possible with her legs wrapped tightly around his girthy waist. He let out a small moan as she started to move her hips against his, the friction against his dick even greater as he took in a sharp breath trying his hardest to contain his pleasure as she started to match him thrust for thrust.

"Fuck Cassidy fuck baby" he said through extremely labored breaths as he squeezed her hands tighter, his  hungry lips pressing against hers as he tried to devour them as quick as he could just as she clenched tightly against his hard dick making him moan into the depths of her mouth.

"Austin, I'm gonna cum baby. Fuck me harder baby please" she begged, her voice a loud whine as she started to whimper against his lips, her wrists starting to push against his grasp in a desperate need to free herself from his grasp. He knew that she wanted to touch him and fuck he wanted to feel her nails sink deep into the skin if his back as he rode her to paradise, but he also knew that their endings would be that much better if he didn't let her touch him. He knew that she liked to be teased and there was no better way to do that then to tease her with himself as she begged to touch him while she came.

He let out a small growl against her lips before pulling away with a small pop as he looked down at her through hooded eyes, her own obstructed gaze staring back up at him hiding those amber flames that he knew were dancing beneath her heavy lids  as he pushed himself up more on his knees, giving himself the perfect leverage he needed to get as deep inside of her as he could as he moved his hips quicker against her. He smirked as he felt her legs fall open more for him, his head falling back as he slid into her completely allowing him to give her exactly what she wanted as the sounds of sex started to heavily echo off of the walls surrounding them in the form of slapping skin and muffled moans and fuck was it turning him on even more.

"Cass baby" were the only two words he was able to let fall from his lips, his mind instantly void of anything else besides the feeling of her walls tightly clenching his dick as his name fell from her red swollen lips in strings if loud moans as he moved inside of her faster. "Cum baby please cum for me" he begged, his dick becoming painfully hard as he felt her start to quiver beneath him.

He let his eyes fall closed as he felt her warm breaths dance across his sweaty face, his hands clenching tighter to hers as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. He felt his face start to scrunch in that familiar way it always did right when he was about to cum as he felt her start to clench around his dick, her warm juices surrounding him as he pushed against the tightness, the feeling only making him harder as his steady rhythm started to break, his hips pounding against her in awkward movements before he pushed deep inside of her letting his dick pulse against her tight walls as he filled her with his warm cum.

He let go of her hands bringing his own down to rest on her hips as hers draped around his neck, their tongues dancing in a beautiful slow rhythm with each other before he pulled away from her with a small pop, his forehead resting against hers as he smiled down at her getting lost in those simmering amber irises that once held flames of desire before he pressed a smiling kiss to the tip of her nose.

"You're fucking amazing do you know that?" he said with a smile as her cheeks started to turn red as she shook her head against the soft fabric of the pillowcase. He couldn't help but smile as he brought his hand up to gently caress her now warm cheek as he slowly brought her gaze back to his. "I mean it baby, no one has ever come close to making me feel the way that you make me feel" he said as she gently bit on her bottom lip, her fingers starting to tangle into the tiny hairs at the nape of his neck as she puckered her lips for him making him chuckle as he softly placed his against hers.

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