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Cassidy's POV

She walked out of the car, her Louis slung over her shoulder as she started walking across the tarmac to the private jet that was just about to take her and the rest of the crew to New York. It was a spontaneous trip—the reasoning behind it something she told Austin she didn't want to know—but thought it would be a welcomed distraction especially since it meant she wasn't going to be sitting at home in her lonely LA apartment counting down the days until she would be able to see him again. Had her and Austin not confessed their love for each other and things have gone to the next level she was sure that she would be boarding her own commercial flight back to LA telling the guys she'd see them in a weeks time in Chicago. But no, things were so much different now and she was finally dating the very man whose captivating blue eyes—that had caught her attention from the first day that she met him—had tattooed themselves inside her brain and well her life was quickly turned upside down...in a good way.

She stepped onto the plane, the plush beige carpet indenting from the step of her boot against it as she kindly smiled at the stewardess before making her way down the narrow aisle. She looked around to see whose person was occupying what seat when her eyes landed on a familiar head of dark hair but instead of sitting next to a familiar tall tattooed body she was nestled against her brother. They were both pretty settled in already, sharing earbuds as they watched some kind of show on her phone. She couldn't help but let her mind wander as she started to wonder if it really was her brother or if she was trying to pass this random guy off that looked similar to her as her brother all while having her cake and eating it too with Austin. She shook her head not wanting to think of it right now, she would love to have just a few hours without letting Jessica take up her thoughts, even though she knew now that she was involved with Austin like she was that was going to be an almost impossible task.

She let out a sigh as she started scanning the interior of the jet for Austin, her heart falling when she didn't see him on the first side of the small wall that separated both parts of the cabin. She walked a little further—pretending to look for a place to keep her oversized Louis carryon since Dre and Jay were watching her every move—her head peeking into the smaller part of the cabin to see him sitting in a two seat row by himself, his head resting against the head rest as he stared blankly out the window. He looked so broken, so lost and confused and she did all she could do to hold her tears at bay. She tried to get his attention but he seemed heavily focused on his thoughts so she settled for a small smile flashed in his direction before she slowly made her way back towards Dre and Jay sitting around a small drink table that would serve as their makeshift desk for the next several minutes.

"So I think that we should just pay the fine for going over the time allotted like we did at Rolling Loud" Jay said, as he pulled out some paperwork that he would need in order to do what he was suggesting in the first place.

"I think we should hold off on that, if Post can control himself this show and not get wasted and spend so much time spreading love and calling for Pat to bring him a drink, I think we can keep it under the time we are given even if we have to tell Smitty to cut a few songs" Dre said, his comment about Austin's performance making her slowly roll her head over to look at him as she let out a disapproving huff before rolling her eyes at him with a laugh.

"I think you need to cut him some slack Dre" she said with a laugh as she squirmed herself into a better position in the chair, her legs crossing as she leaned her left arm on the arm rest while she looked over at him with a smirk on her face. "It was his first live show in over a year, he hadn't seen everyone that was there that day in even longer. So he had a just a little too much of a good time, but he wasn't doing anything wrong" she said, watching as Dre started laughing and shaking his head as he continued discussing it with Jay.

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