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Cassidy's POV

She woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being pressed against her shoulders and rough but extremely gentle fingers slowly moving over her soft stomach as she closed her eyes again and started to smile. Last night was like no other night that they had spent together, not even a night in Mexico. The moment that she ran into his arms after he walked through the large pit and she felt his lips gently caress her own she knew that she was going to be in for one hell of a night. They had shown each other just how much they loved each other more times than she could count—and honestly if he wanted to have it again this morning she'd probably have a hard time saying yes she was so exhausted—and her lips still felt swollen and tight from the amount of times they were pressed against his. Not to mention the countless times they verbally expressed their love for each other, but hearing him confess it to her was something she knew she was never going to tire of.

She let out a small giggle as she felt his warm lips move up her neck, his wispy breaths tickling her warm skin as she searched for his fingers, sliding her own into the spaces of his once she found them as he left a long kiss in the crook of her neck before slowly pulling away as he rested his lips against her ear.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep okay?" he asked pulling her closer to him as she repositioned her head on his arm before giving his hand a tight squeeze as she let out an extremely comfortable sigh.

"Of course, I slept okay big guy; I was snuggled up to you all night" she said granting a deep raspy chuckle to escape from between his lips as he pressed them softly against her temple making her eyes flutter closed as she snuggled her back closer to his chest. She was sure there was almost no physical way for her to get closer to him, but she felt like even as close as she could be, wouldn't be close enough. "How about you? Did you sleep okay?" she asked as she heard him chuckle before he pressed a small kiss against the crook of her neck.

"Absolutely baby, with you everything is better. Even the awful thing called sleep that I never used to be able to do" he said as she giggled giving his hand a tight squeeze as she brought his hand up to her lips pressing a sweet kiss against the bear that was tattooed against his skin.

"I love you big guy" she said as she turned around in his arms, his baby blues sparkling with so much admiration for her as she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against his extra plump lips. She wished she could stay attached to them forever, but she knew that wasn't possible no matter how much she wanted it to be. She pulled away from him a few seconds later—even though in her mind it felt like several long beautiful minutes—her thumb coming up to gently rub over his perfect bottom lip as he smiled before pressing his lips against the pad of her thumb.

"I love you too baby" he said, his arms wrapping around her as he gently tugged her on top of him, a small giggle leaving her lips before she pressed several small pecks against his lips making him smile, his fingers gently tickling her sides as she pulled away with a laugh as he pressed a soft kiss against her warm neck. "Our life is going to be so beautiful baby, you're going to keep me laughing and smiling every day" he said, her heart starting to patter quickly in her chest at hearing him refer to his future with her in it.

"Our life is going to be beautiful baby, I just hope you feel that way when I'm old and grey and seventy and your still full of life at sixty-four" she said with a laugh as he playfully rolled his eyes before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Please, you'll still be looking like you're drinking from the fountain of youth at seventy whereas I'll be lucky if I can still walk and see all while looking like I'm ninety" he said, a loud laugh leaving her lips as she looked down at him with amusement, her hand coming up to rest on his cheek as she slowly rubbed her thumb over his surprisingly soft beard.

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