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Austin's POV

"Fuck!" he said loudly, the side of his fist coming to collide with the wall of his trailer dressing room before running his fingers through his hair staggering backwards as he fell into the cloth of the small couch. He started shaking his leg violently as he sat back against the cushions, his hands coming down to run over his face as he let out a loud groan. How could this fucking be happening. How could one fucking night just ruin everything that he ever fucking loved.

He leaned forward resting his elbows on his thighs as he held his head in his hands, his fingers grabbing tightly at the short hairs at the top of his head as he felt his anger starting to spiral through him. There was no denying that this was all his fucking fault, he let this fucking happen. He stupidly succumbed to Jessica's request like a fucking idiot and now here he was left without the one girl that mattered the most to him and to make everything even fucking worse he had to watch her let some other fucking guy–who he knew only wanted her for a piece of fucking ass–be all over her. It was fucking killing him to see that and he wished more than anything that he could fucking kick him out, tell security that he never invited him back here so he needed to leave. But, he knew that if he did that that would mean that she would leave too and as much as he hated seeing her with someone else, the thought of not having her here at all was even fucking worse.

He leaned forward grabbing for his pack of cigarettes that were resting on the table as he aggressively grabbed for the pack and yanked one from inside before throwing it back on the table harder than intended as he fumbled with the lighter trying to light the end, his aggravation increasing more and more when he couldn't get the lighter to light until the fourth try as he finally inhaled deeply letting more nicotine than normal fill his lungs as he rested his head back against the couch when he heard a knock on the door. He quickly let the smoke drift from his mouth, his heart starting to beat heavily against his chest as he got up and practically ran towards the door hoping to find the very girl he wanted more than anything on the other side, but instead he was faced with Smitty and Adam.

"What the fuck do you guys want? I don't wanna talk to fucking anyone" he said reaching out to close the door in their face as Smitty reached out to stop it letting out a small laugh before he started to climb the stairs. Austin rolled his eyes and let out a small fuck at the idea of company being anyone besides Cassidy as he brought his cigarette back to his lips as he made his way back towards the small sitting area letting himself fall back into the couch again leaning his elbows back against his thighs.

"Yo bro what the fuck happened?" Smitty asked, sitting down next to Austin as he bumped him with his shoulder. Austin let out a small laugh pausing as he was about to bring his cigarette back to his lips as he shook his head and looked over at Smitty with an amused look.

"Fucking Jessica fucking happened" he said with a laugh bringing his cigarette to his lips as he said the same exact thing that he had said to Ben last night, accept this time it hurt even worse to utter those words. At least last night he felt like he had some kind of hope today to bring her back thinking that she just needed a few hours alone to rethink things, but seeing her here with Mic, Rick, Nick whatever the fuck his name was made him realize distance was the last thing that she needed.

"Bro, what the fuck are you still doing with her I mean fucking serious asshole. How do you expect her to even want to stay if you're still fucking around with that bitch?" Smitty said as Austin eyed him while he started rolling a joint which was the exact thing he needed right now to clear his head or at least to fog out all of the fucking thoughts that were eating at him.

"She was fucking pregnant man" Austin said with a laugh, his arms resting against his thighs as he dropped his head towards the ground, his hands coming up to rest on the back of it as he let out a laugh before looking at the two of them. Aside from Cassidy, no one else knew about what had happened with Jessica, but he had to tell them to make this make some kind of fucking sense.

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