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Austin's POV

He wasn't sure why he was nervous about the festival tonight, but something about tonight had his palms sweating and his heart rapidly pumping blood through his veins as his Chevy Denali rolled up to the Rolling Loud green room area. At first he thought it was because he hadn't performed in well over a year and the fact that he had to get back on that stage after so much about him had changed was eating at him, but he quickly tossed that idea to the side. He knew as soon as the music started and he heard that crowd screaming that all his anxieties about that would slip away and he would once again be back in his element doing what he loved and missed so much.

He let out a sigh reaching out for Jessica's hand hoping that just feeling her next to him would significantly reduce whatever this feeling was that was running around like a rabid monkey inside of him. But, as he slid his hand against the cool leather towards her, his fingertips barely grazed hers before she pulled her hand away from him. He looked over at her to see that she was deep in conversation with her brother, her hands now neatly folded in her lap as he let out a sigh. He had hoped that after being together for nine months that she would have developed some kind of feelings--even if it was nothing more than tolerance--for him, but the only thing she seemed to be growing comfortably accustomed to was his wallet and his fame, making her out to be the same as every other girl that's been in his life. Well except for Cass and that's when it hit him.

The nervous feeling that was causing so much turmoil to course through his body was for her. He knew that he was his own worst enemy for this feeling, and he accepted that. The last time he had talked to her was a few months before he met Jessica. He smiled remembering how he snuck out of a party at his rented Beverly Hills house to see her since she decided not to attend whatever party Dre decided to throw. He always admired how she would rather be enjoying the quiet instead of spending countless useless hours at a party, something he deeply wished he was able to do and that night he decided to do just that.


Hey Cass, are you coming tonight?

He hit the send button on his phone as he grabbed a cigarette out of his pocket and quickly sparked it lit. He wasn't too certain why, but he really wanted to be with her tonight. He had a whole house filled with people, but she was the only one that mattered. He sat himself down on the chair on his balcony overlooking the cluster of people below as he gingerly smoked his cigarette patiently--or so he liked to think--waiting for her to answer him. He smiled to himself feeling his phone vibrate a few minutes later as he held it up in front of him, his eyes roaming over the text.

Hey Aus, no I think I'm gonna sit this one out :)

Care for some company then?

His fingers flew across the digital keyboard as he typed out his response, his hand bringing his cigarette back to his lips as he took a long drag, the smoke billowing out from his nose as he saw the three dots appear on his phone. He couldn't help but smile, he wasn't sure why but he really wanted to be around her tonight and he would even admit that it was a weird feeling for him. He wasn't seeing anyone at the moment, he was just casually hooking up, but he never talked to Cass about them since they were only around for a few hours, so he wasn't sure what the desire was to be near her but he knew that he didn't want it to stop.

You sure you wanna leave that fancy party?

I'm positive, trust me.

Then sure big guy, I'd love some company.

He quickly pushed himself off of his chair glancing over his shoulder at the crowd of people under him as he let out a laugh and shook his head. He headed over towards his dresser pulling out a pair of joggers and a white t-shirt as he quickly slid into them before pulling a pink sweatshirt over his head. He grabbed a hat lying in the corner placing it over his fresh tattoos that covered his head as he made his sneaky escape from the party out of the back door. He let out a frustrated sigh as he reached the back patio realizing that since he didn't live here anymore none of his cars were here. He quickly pulled out his phone sending Mark a text--he didn't want to go with normal security because they would know it was Cassidy's house--asking to take him and two minutes later he was in a car and on his way.

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