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Cassidy's POV

She walked into his dressing trailer trying her hardest to calm her nerves. He looked good, he looked so good probably better than she had ever seen him before. She wasn't sure if it was because she hadn't seen him in a while or if it was because she missed him or maybe a mixture of both. Or maybe it was because he was wearing all of her favorite things and the fact that he remembered what she liked made her heart start to race. It also was a sign to her that he hadn't stopped thinking about her, just like a day hadn't gone by that she didn't think of him. But she couldn't help but wonder how he knew to dress in those jeans until she remembered telling Adam she was planning on coming here tonight. She wasn't mad that he told Austin—in fact she'd say she was a little glad—she just hoped he didn't tell Austin anything else that would get him overly excited or too hopeful.

She let out a sigh as she went to go plop herself down onto the couch, Austin's hand coming out to grab hers preventing her from letting her body fall as he pulled her close to him and immediately wrapped her in his arms instead. She was hesitant for just a second before she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest as he buried his into the crook of her neck. Damn did he smell good, he was wearing Tom Ford her absolute favorite and she wanted to curse him for literally wearing everything she loved because now, she just wanted to say fuck it all and tell him she'd take him back with zero stipulations instead of what she was originally going to say to him.

But, she couldn't.

Sure she completely forgave him—only this once—but she still couldn't forget and that was where her roadblock lied. No matter how good he looked or smelled and how amazing it felt to be back in his arms she couldn't just fall for him so easily again. She needed to take this slow, because quite frankly she now had trust issues that she knew she probably should've had all along. She practically knew him inside and out and she should've known that clubs, drunk Austin and girls was a recipe for disaster. But she truly thought he changed enough with her for that side of him to stay away. Clearly, she was wrong.

She felt her breath catch in her throat as the lips that she loved pressed against the top of her head. She squeezed him tighter, his arms immediately reciprocating the action as he mumbled a quiet, I love you Cass against her silky brown hair as she closed her eyes and let out a breath. She wanted to say it back to him, she wanted to tell him so bad that she loved him too that she hadn't stopped loving him even after he cheated on her. But the moment she opened her mouth to say it, she thought of him having sex with someone else and the thought—well rather Jessica—stole the words she desperately needed to say right from her very lips.

"Austin" she said quietly as she slowly stepped away from his warm embrace, her eyes staring down at the floor for just a minute as she licked her lips before looking up at him. His crystal blue eyes staring down at her made her knees go weak and her heart feel like it was going to fly away as he reached out gently placing his index finger against her lips.

"No, me first" he said as he grabbed her other hand in his and guided her down into the soft leather of the worn black couch. They sat facing each other as he grabbed both of her hands in his giving them a tight squeeze before he started to rub the calloused pad of his thumb over her soft knuckles. She closed her eyes as she took in a shaky breath, she missed him everything about him and she was starting to wonder if she was really ready to have this conversation with him or if she should've waited longer.

"Cassidy I've told you how sorry I am over and over again the day at your apartment and every day after that when I tried to contact you" he said, sadness filling the deep waters of his eyes as she looked away feeling guilty for not answering him the first two weeks that he tried to reach out to her, but it was for the best.

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