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Austin's POV

He spent the ride home with Dre's words echoing through his head, yo Cass I don't think this boyfriend of yours would want to see you so close to Posty. He felt crushed and betrayed and from a person that he never thought in a million years would do that to him. But, something felt off. He knew Cass for years and they had always been so open with one another, she would tell him that she had a boyfriend not to mention she wouldn't do what she did with him if she had a boyfriend she wasn't that kinda girl. And, the more he thought about it he doesn't ever recall seeing her around another guy besides Dre, Jay, Smitty and Adam. Something just didn't feel right, but for Dre to say it especially after she went out to dinner with them while he had to entertain Jessica and her friends he assumed that it held some kind of credibility.

"I hope you're over her now that you found out she has a girlfriend" Jessica said to him with a smirk from the middle row of seats before she turned herself back around cuddling into Paul as they continued watching whatever they were watching at the studio.

He shook his head, his hand rubbing at his neck as he looked out the window, that was just it despite all of this he wasn't over her he still loved Cassidy more than anything and he wasn't going to walk away from what they had without an explanation. He needed to know the truth and he was going to get it tonight, he didn't care what kind of fight broke out between him and Jessica because of it, it didn't matter. He needed to figure this out, he needed the truth. He toyed with the phone in his pocket debating on whether or not he should bring it out and text her, but he couldn't. He was swimming with too many emotions and he was afraid that if he said something to her now that he would just make everything worse and that was not a direction he wanted to take this.

He sighed letting his head fall back against the smooth leather of the headrest as he glared out the window watching as the city started to come into view, his leg beginning to bounce quickly wishing that he could somehow make the car move faster to get him to where he needed to be so he could have some answers mentally preparing himself for whatever she had to tell him whether it was bad or good.

The car pulled up to the hotel a few minutes later, Paul and Jessica quickly leaving the car as they started to make their way towards the doors as he walked out behind them, his eyes catching Cass's as she gave him a sad look before putting her head back down towards the ground as she quickly made her way inside. He shook his head, his hand coming up to run through his hair as he looked back at the doors that she had just pushed through. A girl who was hiding something that was just spilled to the very person that they were hiding it from didn't look like that. She looked just as broken as he felt and it only added more fuel to the fire of curiosity to find out more.

He stalled grabbing a cigarette from his pocket placing it between his lips and lighting it all in one fluid motion as he started pacing back and forth outside of the hotel, his hand resting on his head before landing in his pocket and then back out again to rub at the back of his neck. None of this was making sense, none of it. There was something missing here, some sign that he didn't pick up on that was holding all the answers. He took a deep drag on his cigarette, the smoke billowing out of his mouth as he sat himself on a bench by the entrance, his head resting in his hand as he kept his gaze down at the concrete that was under him. He couldn't drag this out any longer, he needed to talk to her and he needed to talk to her now.

He quickly rubbed the cigarette against the concrete, a black smudge being left against the concrete as he stood up quickly making his way towards the entrance and immediately to the elevators. He pressed the call button several times hoping that it would make it come faster, his legs immediately carrying him inside as soon as the doors slid open. He pressed her floor, his one hand sinking into his pocket as the other started rubbing nervously at his neck. This couldn't be happening, they had just gotten together a little less than 72 hours ago and they already had several bumps in the road most of them involving Jessica but this one, this was all her.

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