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Austin's POV

"I don't understand the party before the show, don't you drink enough there?" Jessica asked as she sat on the couch, the annoyance in her voice pissing him off even more than he already was that she was still here. He tried to get her to stay in LA with Paul and her friends but she insisted on coming home with him, why he was completely fucking unsure. He didn't want her here, he didn't want her in his life and he had thought if she stayed home he could've just forgot that she existed and smoothly transitioned into being with Cassidy. But, he knew that wasn't right either. That would pretty much be lying to Cassidy and he knew that she wanted an official break and if he left Jessica without officially telling her he knew she would always come back.

"Then why the fuck are you here? I told you to fucking stay with your friends and Paul" he snapped, throwing his cell phone down on the table, as he sat at the island in his kitchen. He grabbed a cigarette from his pack and placed it between his lips the sound of his lighter sparking to life as he lit the end.

"First ew we've discussed this before you don't talk to me like that and second why would I want to stay there?" she asked with a bitchy laugh as she grabbed her cellphone, no doibt she was scrolling through instagram or posting her drink on his table to her story for the world to see. He was still baffled at what part of private she didn't fucking understand.

He laughed to himself for just a second, his cigarette coming to his lips as he took a long drag, the nicotine being exactly what he needed to lessen his anger but definitely wasn't enough to take it away. He didn't know who the fuck she thought she was, but he needed to make it clear that she didn't call the fucking shots, whenever that started to happen he wasn't fucking sure. He pulled his cigarette away from his lips letting the smoke trail from his mouth slowly as he pushed himself from the stool and casually started walking over towards her, the anger that the nicotine took away coming back full force. He walked up to her, his hand swiping her drink off the table sending it clattering to the ground in a splash of liquid and sea of glass but he didn't care. He sat in front of her, her eyes wide with shock as she swallowed before looking at him, he'd never been like this with her before but fuck did it feel good.

"Number one I'll talk to you however I want to. Remember it was you who signed fucking papers not me so you don't call the shots as much as you think you fucking do" he said, his cold eyes holding onto hers as he brought his cigarette back to his lips taking a drag before blowing the smoke towards her not even caring that she hated it.

"Second why wouldn't you want to stay there princess? Your friends are there, your brother is there or at least that's what you call him but I don't fucking buy it" he said, her mouth opening like she wanted to say more but he stopped her. "Fucking save it" he said with a laugh reaching into the pocket of his jeans pulling out his wallet. "If I gave you this" he said throwing his wallet at her, "you'd fucking stay. But wait maybe you wouldn't because then you wouldn't be able to hint to people that your with me. That's all you use me for isn't it?" he said bringing his cigarette back to his lips as he took a long puff

She was speechless and the fact that she had nothing to say only confirmed his thoughts. She was using him for clout and nothing more and all this time he was too blinded but whatever it was that he felt for her to fucking realize it but now the truth was shining through like the North star on a clear night.

"That's what I fucking thought" he said with a laugh as he stood up looking down at her looking like a meek and modest mouse too scared to say anything. Maybe he should've been like this with her from the beginning instead of giving in to her every demand because he was afraid she was going to leave. "So honey the party is happening tonight. My friends, my family, my Grandpa and the team will be here and if you hate it so much you better make sure I don't fucking see you. But my guess is you're going to want to show yourself since my family will be here" he said with a laugh as he brought his cigarette back to his lips. "But you're fucking dreaming if you think I'm going to introduce you as my fucking girlfriend" he said, her jaw dropping open as she started to become flustered.

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