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Austin's POV

"You ready?" he asked, his lips brushing against hers as she curved them into a smile. He couldn't help but grin at her as he watched her bring her bottom lip between her teeth as she nodded her head against the pillow. She was so beautiful to him in every way and although being this gentle and caring wasn't something new for him, he wanted to be sure everything was extra special for her because she deserved that and so much more. He grinned at her small gesture as he leaned in connecting their lips together again before pulling away slowly.

"Yes" her words only confirming her actions, the feeling of her perfect brown eyes staying beautifully connected with his added that much more fuel to the already hot burning fire inside him as he smiled down at her before letting out a small chuckle at how cute yet absolutely sexy she was as he instantly connected their lips together. He kissed her slow and deep as she moaned into the depths of his mouth, a small groan that he couldn't contain that mixed with hers left his body as he slowly slid his hands down her sides to connect with hers, only to bring them up over her head just as he started to move his hips slow and gentle against hers.

The feeling was even better than he ever could've imagined, the way she quickly adjusted to his thick length as he stretched open her walls was better than anything he had ever felt with any other girl. He moved in her quicker as she moaned deeply into his mouth as he smiled against her lips just as she started to wrestle against his light yet gentle grip on her delicate wrists. He gave in only slightly moving his grip from her wrists to lace his fingers with hers. He pulled his lips from her slowly moving them over her soft neck as she squeezed her fingers tightly with his. He immediately loved how she reacted to him, her body seeming to be hypersensitive to his touch as he shamelessly took advantage of that. He smirked as he slowly ran the tip of his tongue over her neck, the taste of her coconut lotion settling on his taste buds as her walls clenched around his dick, as a small groan accompanied by a slight nip of his teeth against her skin was the best reaction he could think of to the sensation.

"Austin" she moaned, his name never sounding sexier coming from anyone else's lips as he felt her arch her back in an attempt to get closer to him. He smiled against her neck as he drug one hand down to rest on her hip as he pushed in her quicker and deeper, his dick barely leaving her as he pressed against her sweet spot repeatedly making her moan uncontrollably into his ear driving him wild. The way she was reacting to him only made him want her more.

He moved his lips into the dip of her neck, the small whimper that left her parted lips made him quietly moan against her skin. The feel of her fingers roaming over his body felt like beautiful bolts of electricity as she slowly started to grab at the hairs at the base of his neck making him growl against her sweaty skin. He dug his fingers deeper into the soft skin of her hip, thrusting into her harder and deeper, the need to be as deep in her as he could taking over him as he lost himself in the intense moment. Several small moans escaped his occupied lips as he trailed them back up to land on hers, pressing them together quickly before he came back to his senses, pausing his hips while he stared into the bright amber eyes of the woman that he truly loved.

"You're so beautiful Cass, so fucking beautiful and I love you so much," his words never feeling more real to him than they did in this moment with Cass. Her smile to his declaration only made his heart beat faster as he leaned in pressing his lips softly to hers before slowly separating from her delectable lips. He gently ran his fingertips over the curves of her body, bringing them up to gently caress the warm skin of her cheek. Pausing at a time like this wasn't typical of him, but he felt the burning desire to make everything about this special because she was so important to him in ways that other girls--including Jessica--were not.

"I love you too Austin. I always have and I always will no matter what" her breathless words making him smile at her. He never thought hearing someone tell him they loved him would feel as amazing and as right as hearing her say it made him feel and he knew he would need to hear her say it for the rest of his life.

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