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Austin's POV

He grabbed her hand as they walked out of the Escalade giving her a small pull towards him as he pressed his lips tightly against hers before pulling away with a smile as she bit on her bottom lip, gazing up at him with those beautiful amber brown eyes that he fell in love with more and more as the days passed. He reached up to gently swipe the hair out of her face before cupping her chin gently in his hand, his thumb rubbing over her plump bottom lip as she started to smile.

"You're so beautiful" he said making her giggle as his smile grew wider as he pressed a quick kiss against the softness of hers—her lips have become his weakness, he felt like he couldn't go longer than fifteen seconds without kissing them—pulling away slowly as he bit on his bottom lip. "Let's go get cleaned up before dinner baby" he said with a smirk dropping his hand from her chin as he slowly ran his hand down her arm ending at her hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked towards the entrance to the villa making a beeline straight towards their suite as he pushed them through the door.

"You wanna shower first baby" he asked giving her hand a gentle squeeze as she turned to look at him with a devilish smirk on her lips. She looked up at him for a minute before her fingers started toying with the buttons on his shirt as she started to slowly undo them, her lips pressing against his warm skin as he wrapped his arms around her softly and slowly rubbing her back while he enjoyed her lips easily gliding over his chest. Ever since he had been with Cass, she made him realize what love was and what it felt like and he couldn't believe how fucking stupid he was for thinking that whatever he had with other girls was love because it didn't even fucking come close.

"I was thinking" she said in a whisper against his chest while her fingers approached the last button. "Why shower alone" she said as she slowly pushed his shirt from his shoulders as he dropped his hands from her back letting out a small moan. "When we can shower together" she whispered her hands leaving his chest as she grabbed at her cover up and quickly pulled it over her head, his eyes dancing over her perfect body the entire time as he watched her bring her hands behind her unhooking the top to her bikini as she let it flutter to the floor.

He bit on his bottom lip hard as his eyes wandered over her breasts before she walked closer to him, his dick screaming in his pants to come out to play and judging by the smirk on her face that was the exact reaction she was looking for. She stood in front of him, her lips kissing up his chest as she slowly draped her arms around his neck, his eyes closing as he took in a deep breath at the feel of her naked breasts pressing against his naked chest. He ran his hands over her back before letting them settle on her ass giving it a tight squeeze as he nestled his lips into the crook of her neck peppering it with strings of kisses on his way towards her ear.

"I love the way you think baby" he whispered into her ear as she giggled pulling herself away from him as she grabbed his hand and started walking him towards the bathroom. He couldn't help but stare at her as she led the way, his eyes dancing over her ass that swayed perfectly as she walked making him realize that he has never been with someone who was as naturally beautiful as she was. She wasn't fake like everyone else he dated who all had at least one thing on them that wasn't really theirs. Cassidy was just beautiful and everything that she possessed was hers with no extra fillers to make her look better.

He followed her in the room closing the door behind him as she turned around and pushed him up against it making him smile as she stood on her toes pressing an eager kiss against his lips. He wasn't sure what had happened since the whole Jessica thing just a few days ago, but ever since they got the green light to actually be with each other and not hide their relationship it seemed like she couldn't get enough of him, and he wasn't complaining. It only made him wish that he had this sooner, but like Cass said he had her now and that's all he needed to focus on.

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