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Austin's POV

"Posty, you got pushed an hour!" Dre said to him, his hand resting on his shoulder as he gave him a small shake. He smiled as he brought his cigarette to his lips taking a long drag as he let the smoke billow out in thin off white clouds as he looked down at him with heavy eyes.

"Well shit, I hope we have enough beer" he laughed putting his hand on Dre's head as he brought him in close to him. He didn't need to drink anymore tonight and he was well aware of that. But, between the nerves of going on stage and whatever was happening between him and Cass, drinking seemed like the best thing to do.

"More pong!?" Tyla asked with intense excitement. Austin smirked, putting his cigarette between his lips so he could grab one of his bottles of wine to fill the cups. He couldn't afford to waste the beer on pong when he knew he was going to need some onstage.

He looked out of the corner of his eye to see Cass. She was standing close by but never too close, just enough for them to make continuous eye contact with each other. He knew she was doing it to keep an eye on him and he loved her even more for that. He looked over towards his own girlfriend who could give two shits about him and how much he was drinking, but she wouldn't hesitate to tell him how much she was embarrassed of him. All she cared about was the fame she got from being associated with him and his money. He shook his head thinking how much he had given her since they met as he brought his drink to his lips in hopes of washing the thought away.

He looked back at Cass to see she was happily talking and laughing with Smitty, James and Carlos, her laugh making him grin as he took another drink. She was breathtakingly gorgeous in every way and he wished more than anything that she was the girl standing next to him, laughing along with him and his friends as they shared sweet small kisses. He let out a sigh turning to look at Jessica as he motioned for her to come by him. He waited as she whispered something to her brother before getting up to be near him. It wasn't the first time he had tried to be near her tonight and the more he drank the more he tried to be successful in accomplishing just that.

"Want to play pong?" he asked with a smile as he wrapped his arm around her pulling her in close to him as she pulled herself away from him almost immediately. He gave her a rather confused and hurt look as she shook her head at him.

"No I don't actually" she said in a rushed and annoyed voice as she watched Tyla take a practice shot shaking her head with a look of disgust.

"Well how 'bout you just hang close and be my good luck charm" he smiled, his fingers toying with hers as he tried to lace them together while simultaneously going in for a kiss.

"That's boring," she said, rolling her eyes as she pulled away from him, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm going over there," she said, pointing towards two folding chairs next to the red trailer.

"OK babe" he said in a sad tone giving her a smile as she turned to walk away before he even attempted to say or do anything else.

He sighed as he brought his drink to his lips, chugging it down quickly before throwing the cup to the floor. He hated that she was so distant and standoffish to him, especially after everything he did for her when they were going through their hard time. He had hoped it would have pushed them together more and she would start to really feel something for him, but she only grew to like everything else associated with him but him.

He looked over towards Cass to see her eyes were glued on him, her face sad as she slightly shook her head at the interaction that she just witnessed between him and Jessica. He knew she obviously saw what happened and he knew exactly what she was thinking about Jessica, that she wasn't good for him and that she brought him down and she was right. He sighed again pulling his cigarettes from his pocket, placing one between his lips as he looked back at Cass. She gave him that heart-melting smile that he loved as he gave her one back, hers being exactly what he needed as he felt his face soften and his sadness and confusion about Jessica fade away.

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