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Cassidy's POV

She groaned as the sound of Austin's alarm blared through the speaker of his phone, her body snuggling into him closer as he wrapped his arms around her tighter giving her a soft kiss to the top of her head as she tried her best to block out the annoying sound. She knew that their week in paradise was going to have to end, but she didn't think that it was going to happen so soon. She wished that she could freeze time so that they could stay in this amazing villa, in the warm sun spending countless hours between the sheets together, drinking wine as they lounged in the warm sun before hopping on a quad and riding through the jungle or relaxing on a catamaran for the afternoon. Their time here with each other was well deserved and she felt like it had brought them even closer together in ways that she didn't even think were possible. They were always close, and they already knew so much about each other, but this trip offered them time to travel back in time and remember why and how they fell in love with each other in the first place and that was something that she loved more than anything.

She let out a small sigh as she pressed her lips against his chest, his arms squeezing her tighter as he placed another kiss against the top of her head. This was the fourth time in a half hour that his alarm was trying to take them away from all of this, to bring them back to a reality that even though they both knew they had to go back to, neither of them wanted to succumb to. She knew that nothing was going to change between them, they were still going to be crazy in love with each other and be in each other's arms as much as they possibly could. But something about having to go back into the world and have to focus on other things besides Austin made her feel a little sad, but she would deal with it. They both only had to focus on the festivals in the UK and then it was off to the winery--which would be her very first time--to check on wine production and have more alone time together and honestly, she couldn't wait, she didn't even care how selfish that made her seem.

She smiled as she felt her body get comfortable against his, her eyes starting to peacefully close when she felt Austin give her a small shake making her groan even louder as she buried her face into his chest making him chuckle as he pressed another kiss against her head. She let out another sigh as his fingertips gently ran over her back before he reached out to turn off his alarm as she rolled over on her back and covered her face with her hands.

"I don't wanna" she said as he laughed, the sounds of the sheets rustling filling her ears as he rolled over onto his side, his left arm coming to wrap around her waist as he pulled her close before gently grabbing her hands as he pulled them away from her face. He started to litter it with tiny kisses making her giggle despite the fact that she didn't want to find any kind of joy in this moment before he pressed a small peck against her lips.

"You're not fair. I don't want to be smiling right now" she said as she stared up into his tired looking blue eyes as he gave her a knowing stare before leaning down placing another kiss softly against her lips.

"I know baby, believe me I know" he said in that raspy tone that his voice typically carried in the morning, her body breaking out into waves of tingles as he pressed another kiss to her lips. "I don't want to leave either, but we'll have time alone together again soon. We just have to be little social butterflies for the two festivals" he said with a smile as she reached over cupping his cheek in her hand.

"Fine" she said with a sigh as she rolled her eyes, her thumb running over his smooth cheek as his lips gently curved into a smile. "So I guess that means we've both surrendered to the fact that we have to get out of this bed and get ready to leave?" she asked with a small pout as he started to nod his head against the silk pillowcase.

"Well, I would've liked to do a little more" he said with a smirk. "But someone kept me up late last night and wore me the hell out and I just wanted to sleep in this morning" he said making her face turn red as he nuzzled his lips into the crook of her neck, his left hand coming down to rest on her breast as he softly started to knead the soft skin while his lips left beautiful small red marks against her neck.

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