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Cassidy's POV

She wasn't able to go back to sleep after Austin left this morning, her mind still trying to piece together that she was sitting here while he was taking Jessica with him to his cousins wedding. She had thought that she was going to get over it, thought that it was going to be okay but the more that she sat and pondered it--since she had plenty of time to do just that now that she wasn't preoccupied by a certain pair of lips pressed against hers--something about it didn't feel right. It wasn't that she was questioning his love for her because she knew that he loved her she could feel it in everything he said and did with her, it was more that she was questioning his commitment to whatever it was that they had.

She shook her head letting out a frustrated groan as she carded her fingers through her hair before letting her head fall between her hands. Today was going to be a day from hell. She knew that she was going to be thinking about him all day long wondering how he was getting along at the wedding--the thought that he might actually be enjoying himself lingering in the back of her mind but it was a place that she wanted to keep it--as she patiently counted down the hours for him to come back to New York. It was their last night here tonight and she wanted to do something special for him, of course it wasn't going to be anything extravagant like he did for her last night, but she knew that he was going to love it because it was from her. He still had that sentimental side to him and she loved the fact that he held onto it.

She let out a groan as she reached over on the bedside table to grab her phone from the charger, a smile tugging at her lips as the screen lit up with a picture of her and Austin on the patio at the Rainbow Room. She knew it was a risky move to put that as her background, anyone that picked up her phone would instantly know who her secret boyfriend was, but she was willing to take that risk she would just watch her phone extra careful. She chuckled and shook her head as she unlocked her phone, her thumb automatically going to the green text bubble on the bottom of her screen as she tapped on Austin's name. She was sure that he wasn't going to answer right now, but she wanted to reach out and let him know that she was already thinking about him.

Hey baby, try to have a good time today despite the situation. I can't wait to see you tonight. Please let me know when you will be home so I'm ready. Love you. P.S. Can't wait to see you in that suit ;)

She hit the send button, her phone vibrating with the clarification that the message was delivered as she dropped her phone down on her bed, her arms coming to wrap around her legs that were covered by the crisp white blanket as she rested her chin on her knees, her lips expelling a tiny puff of air as she blew a piece of stray hair from her face before continuing to think about what the hell she was going to do to pass the time.

She had thought about calling the girls to see if they wanted to go out to lunch or shopping or maybe even both, but she knew that she left them the other night with curious minds and that the questions would still be flying as to who this mystery boyfriend of hers was and she wasn't ready for that right now. Her goal for today was to not bring up Austin's name in hopes that she would find her mind resting less and less on thoughts of him. She quickly pushed the thought from her mind feeling content that a day of shopping and maybe a mani/pedi was exactly what she would need to relax her and get her mind off of a certain blue eyed man she was longing to be with.

She stretched her arms over her head letting out a small groan, her hands falling down against the soft mattress as she reached out for her phone, her breathing slowing down significantly as she turned it over slowly only to see that the screen was left blank. She wasn't sure why she was hoping that he was going to answer her so soon, she was sure that Jessica was trying to make it look like they were a happy couple and was up his ass, but she thought maybe Paul--who she was starting to think more and more wasn't her brother--had her attention and that Austin was able to spare the ride to the wedding alone, but judging on the lack of response she was certain the first scenario was exactly what was happening.

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