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Cassidy's POV

She had no idea where he was taking her, but she also didn't much care. After they had made a very quick side trip to her apartment in LA—the only place he clued her in on—she was back on a plane heading to a destination she knew was going to be nothing short of perfect because she was with Austin, the man that she cared about more than life itself and that was all that mattered to her. She sat back in her seat, her head rolling to look out the window only to be met with his gaze already resting comfortably on hers. She smiled as she lost herself in the Caribbean blue of his perfect irises, a part of her wondering if they were foreshadowing the very place where they were going to be in only a few hours time although she doubted if they were going to see much the first day that they arrived. She smiled at him, his hand coming up to grab hers as he gently slid his fingers into the spaces of hers giving it a tight squeeze.

"You like what you see big guy?" she asked with a laugh, her tongue coming between her teeth as she saw him smile at her corny comment as he squeezed her hand tightly giving her a small head shake before he rested his alluring gaze back on hers making her heart start to flutter a million miles a minute.

"More than like baby, I love what I see" he said in that low raspy voice that made her melt as he slowly brought his free hand up to rest on her face, his thumb slowly rubbing over her cheek distracting her from noticing him leaning in as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips literally stealing her breath away. She stalled a minute before slowly moving her lips with his, her hand coming up to rest on his cheek as she slowly rubbed his skin before they pulled away from each other with a small wet sound, each of them sharing wide smiles with each other.

"Only you can turn a corny joke into something serious Aus" she smiled as she rested her forehead against his, his dazzling white smile matching the glisten in his perfect blue eyes as she leaned in pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"One of my many talents baby" he said giving her a quick kiss before giving her thigh a squeeze as he moved away from her looking out the window before looking back over his shoulder at her with a smirk that made her roll her eyes at him. He had this quirkiness about him that she loved so much and also something she knew she was never going to get sick of.

"How's it look out there?" she asked with a grin as she wrapped her arm around his bicep giving it a tight squeeze only to feel his chest start to vibrate as he chuckled quietly to himself.

"Watery" he said scrunching up his nose and shaking his head as she let out a loud sigh resting her head back against the seat.

"Excuse me can we have some more wine? Austin is trying to be funny" she said waving her hand for the stewardess as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face in her neck peppering it with soft kisses as she laughed loudly.

She was so happy that they were at this spot in their relationship. Just a few days ago every part of her was thinking that she was going to have to live in torment forever as she watched him living out his life unhappily with Jessica, but things took a drastic turn after he showed up at her apartment the day she came back from Mexico. It opened the doors for what she wasn't expecting to have happened with Jessica at his house after Hive to occur, but she also couldn't lie she was more than happy that it did. Although she still had her doubts that Jessica was gone for good, she didn't want to dwell on it. Her and Austin were finally together after six long years and not a secret together, but for real together and that was all that she wanted to focus on right now. She was the happiest that she has ever been and she wouldn't change it for anything.

"You think you have jokes don't you Cass" he said quietly into her ear, his fingers still gently tickling her sides as she kept laughing, her knees coming into her chest as she tried to pry his hands from her waist. She loved this young and in love feeling that he gave her and it was something she knew no one else would be able to give her, her trip to Mexico
with Nick very clearly proving that point. Although it wasn't the trip she had hoped, she still thanked him for helping her realize who her heart belonged to despite the torment it was going through until recently.

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