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Austin's POV

"Thank you so very fucking much ladies and fucking gentlemen" he said with a smile as he gave a kind wave towards the crowd before turning his head over towards the right side of the stage to see the girl he loved more than anything smiling widely at him, her eyes glistening back at him from the soft stage lights that shown out towards the wings of the stage. She looked like a fucking angel being casted in a soft orange glow as she slowly blew him a kiss before wrapping her arms back around herself letting out a small giggle. She was so fucking proud of him and she had been since the moment he told her he liked her and wanted her to be part of the team and that was so fucking refreshing compared to the lack of enthusiasm he got from everyone else. He gave her one last glance blowing her a quick kiss before turning back towards his overly enthusiastic audience that he loved.

"I have one more shitty fucking song for you tonight ladies and gentlemen, the song that fucking started it all and had all the fucking haters who said I'd never make it scream out congratu-fucking-lations" he said loudly into the mic as he looked over towards Cass again. He knew this had always been one of her favorite songs and he wanted to make sure he gave it everything he fucking had to make it extra special for her tonight because she deserved it more than fucking anything. After all it was like he wasn't playing for his audience tonight, he was playing for her and her alone and he wanted to give her the best show he's ever fucking performed.

He dropped the mic to his side running his hand over his hair as the crowd started to take over the beginning of the song, a wide smile leaving his lips as he bent down to grab for his beer taking a quick drink from the cup before throwing it to the crowd as he brought his mic back to his lips giving it everything he had as he sang out the last few lines to the opening of the song. He looked over to see her smiling wide as he sang his heart out for her, the desire to perform so perfectly for anyone—including his fans—never quite so high before but he knew it was for good reason because Cass more than anyone would appreciate everything he put into his performance.

He finished up the song looking over towards the edge of the stage giving her a quick wink before running down the stairs immediately followed by his security as he started to interact with the fans even though his sights were set on one person and one person only, Cassidy. But, he couldn't let his amazing fans down tonight either as he occasionally stopped giving autographs and taking quick pictures as he gave kind I love you too's to the screaming girls who reached out to touch any part of them that he could. He knew that everyone else that he dated hated this part of his shows more than anything, but not Cass. She loved when he interacted with his fans and she always told him that they were who made him who he was and stopping to give them some extra attention wasn't going to hurt him, not to mention she also reminded him how he was probably going to make someone's night with one simple hand touch and that meant so much to him.

He made it to the end nodding and laughing along with something that someone was saying to him as he signed one more autograph before giving them a quick pat on the shoulder and another enthusiastic wave to his fans before he walked around the corner towards the black Denali that was waiting for him, but what he cared about more was the girl that was leaning against the car with her arms folded and a smile on her face. He couldn't help but smile as she pushed herself from the side of the car and ran towards him, her smile brightening her face tremendously as she ran into his arms. He reached up cupping both of her cheeks in his hands as he placed a soft but extremely passionate kiss against her lips before he pulled away from her, his fingers sliding some hair behind her ear before he placed another small kiss against her lips.

"You were so good tonight big guy, hands down your best show to date" she said against his lips making him smirk as he pressed his tighter against hers, his hands leaving the warmness of her cheeks as he slid them down the sides of her body before wrapping her tightly in his arms making her giggle against his lips.

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