My love

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I lay in my bed just waking up

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I lay in my bed just waking up. I watch Henry move around the room. He looks at me in the mirror "good morning my love" he turns facing me as he does his buttons he walks over leaning down kissing. "Hmm morning kisses my favourite" he smiles leaning pulling the blanket down and kissing my stomach. "Morning baby" he said to my stomach. I grab his hand as he tries to walk away "spend the day with me" "I never took a day off after Justin. I never get sick so what make you think I would for you" he was smirking I knew he was joking around "I knew you wouldn't but it was worth a try spend the morning or lunch with me or even date night" he looks at his phone "we don't have a case so how bout I leave early and we have a date night" "no bodies will keep you away" he shakes his head "ok I will be here waiting" he nods kissing me one last time before leaving.

It was now early evening. The sun was just setting. I was expecting Henry ages ago, he said he would leave early. But maybe he decided to finish up the day so he could spent the morning with me. As time ticked by I slowly began to realise what happened. They got a case. I sigh walking upstairs into our room. Didn't get dressed up in fact I was still wearing my track pants and a singlet. I lay on the bed getting under the covers.

I felt something my face. I groan shifting away. I felt someone move my hair then kiss my forehead. I open my eyes seeing Henry kneeling beside the bed. "Did I fall asleep" he hums "I'm sorry I was waiting for you" "it's ok i was late" he shakes his head I hum closing my eyes again "what happened" I start to sit up "we can still go" I add "no no you lay down you are tired...I will change and lay with you" I sigh laying back down. I watch him take his button up off and change his pants. He comes over and gets into bed beside me. I immediately put my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me. "You never answered my question" he hums rubbing my arm "what happened" "we caught a case" I sigh listening to his heart beat "I figured what stopped you from calling" he sighs one hand now playing with my hair "we had a missing kid" I nod against his skin "case was moving quick I'm sorry baby" I sigh I knew he meant it but doesn't mean it didn't hurt. I wanted time with my husband. "I'm going to take you to breakfast and if that doesn't work lunch" "thought you don't take days off" "well I can visit CIs I don't always go in" I hum falling asleep listening to his heartbeat.

I wake up before Henry. I carefully get up not wanting to wake him. I walk over into the bathroom having a shower and getting ready. Walking out in a loose dark green shirt with black tights on brushing my hair, to see Henry starting to wake. "I finally woke up before you what's going on" I say walk up to him leaning down and kissing him. He gets up and starts getting ready "I better get ready if I'm going to treat my wife" I hum leaving him alone in his room.

I sit opposite Henry his holding my hand. I was sipping my tea he had a coffee in front of him. We had just finished eating, I had fruit salad he had eggs and bacon. We ended up sharing most of it. "I miss you Henry how can you miss someone you live with" I say he squeezes "I will be home more and if I'm not I will make sure someone else is especially when baby is here" I laugh "I can be home alone Henry I don't mind I just miss my husband now his the fancy Sargent of intelligence" he laughs "so what's the case" "missing kid" I nod "did you find the kid" "yeah only for it to get more confusing and complicated" "you can go I don't want to be the reason some family doesn't get answers" "the team has it under control if something pops off they will call" I nod getting up holding his hand, leading me to the car. He helped me into the passenger seat not that I needed it, but I did love his caring side. He gets in the drivers seat. "I just have to stop past see a few CI" I nod rubbing my stomach "your driving as long as you keep me smiling I don't care where we go" he smirks "is that a challenge" "would you want it to be" he just laughs making me smile "so this family dinner what are we aiming for Friday" he laughs glancing at me "out to ruin their Friday night cause you can't drink" I shrug "we all know Friday is the night they go to Molly's" "unless we finish a big case then it could be a Wednesday" I add he just shakes his head at me "ok but I imagine they won't be happy might try to get you to change the time" I shake my head sighs "well I won't change my mind I finally got you to say yes I'm not backing down now" he laughs "and I will do anything to make you smile" he kisses my hand as he drives "I mean anything" he repeats "and you have" I bring his hand to my lips kissing it. God I wish I could have his lips on mine.

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