My brother

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I carry Sophie "you sure you want to come" I ask Flynn strapping Sophie into her car seat

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I carry Sophie "you sure you want to come" I ask Flynn strapping Sophie into her car seat. "I'm sure" he gets in the passenger just as I close the door next to Sophie. I glance at Flynn as I get into the drivers seat. "Don't tell Henry" he nods.

I carry Sophie through the halls, Flynn sticking close by me think his regretting coming. But he trust me so he would still make the same decision. I sit down on the metal chair. We were only alone for a minute or so before he walked in. "How did you swing this" he asks smirking "I'm a police Sargent and I didn't want them out there but wanted to introduce you" he nods Sophie looks at him in fascination, Flynn unsure. "Flynn Soph baby this is my big brother Edward or Eddie as I call him" Sophie having no concept of where we are or danger leans forward wanting to be held by him. Edward looks unsure but with a nod from me he wants me takes her sitting down across from us. "So this is your daughter" he tickles Sophie making her giggle in delight, I could tell she's in love with. This is going harder than I thought to keep from Henry. "And your the grandson" Flynn nods "it's ok you don't have to talk he'll you don't even have to acknowledge me if you don't want" Edward tells Flynn weakly smiling "I just came to look out for Soph and Granma" "I wouldn't hurt them" "I don't know that and you aren't the only one in this place" "your a good kid" Edward leans forward his words shocking Flynn "I had that same protectiveness for your grandma here" "I'm not like you" Edward shakes his head "I never said you were but you do have the Anderson fire" "combined with a Voight temper" I add making the two smile "the Anderson fire isn't what's dangerous Flynn it's the Anderson curse that is and your aunt Cat has that curse you probably noticed if you haven't yet you will now...the fire is what will protect you it's like a sensor for the curse for the bad" as Edward tells Flynn the same thing he told me once upon a time as he plays with Sophie "fire is hot" Sophie said making us all smile "told your grandma that which is why she is here trusting her instincts" Edward continues making Flynn looks at me confused "you look like an Anderson" he tells Flynn "like my son" I was stunned "you have a son" "Charles Edward Anderson he would be" he takes a moment "24 i think his mum brought him up once a month he comes alone almost every week...we don't get a fancy room like this though" I nod "that would mean" "got her pregnant while I was still in here yeah" I was so confused I didn't even know anyone visited him "Liz never let go" he snugged like it was nothing. Like he didn't have this secret girlfriend or whatever she was to him. "Why do you see Cat so often if she has the curse" Flynn said ok clearly this kid is paying attention "I don't get much of a choice I didn't want to say no visitors when I'm holding out for my little sister here and my son" "does she know...about Charles" I ask he shakes his head "your the only one who knows about my Charlie and that's because I think he might need you" I nod knowing what he meant, both family and legal help "you have pwetty eyes mummy always said you have said pwetty eyes" Sophie said making us all smile "you have pretty eyes to" "I have daddy's eyes Sophie was so sure of herself nodding "we have kitties and Frank" "Frank" Edward asks clearly confused "our dog" I say "then we have mow mow, Mertie and tiger" "Mowgli Myrtle and Duchess or tiger the kitten have two names it just kinda happened" Flynn corrected kinda warming up to him "my favourite it's Mow mow or tiger his so small his my size Tinman tells me" "Justin" I mouth to Edward we were all just watching and listening to Sophie "Mowgli is daddy's favourite kitty but I think he loves Frank the mostest...mummy loves Myrtle they always snuggle daddy is jelly about it" I laugh you can tell she's been hanging out with Ellie Lexi and Flynn a lot. I think it distracts Flynn of the reality of what's going on with his dad. "What else does mummy do" Edward asks glancing at me "she cooks she loves cooking almost more that me" I gasp "and daddy and tin" "your mummy alway did love cooking she use to do it with our grandma" "it's yummy to she likes cuddling with daddy...he reads me stories I can't sleep nice if he doesn't I also have to show him big leafs but they aren't coming off the trees anymore it makes me sad" "the season changed little one meaning new leaves are growing we have to let the new leaves grow how about you collect...hmm rocks you could decorate them you could show me some and if they don't let you bring it in mummy can send me a photo" "really" Edward nods "and I may not know your daddy but I have met Justin and if his like anything like your dad I know he would love it...Justin would to mummy told me he his in hospital I think it would make him happy to have your gifts" he tells her eyes light up with pure excitement. Great now I'm going to have to find and carry rocks with her. I roll my eyes, thank you Edward. Edward just smirks at me "promise me you won't tell her Cat and her family can't know about him" he demands making me instantly nod "I don't even talk to her" he sends me a smile "you have built an awesome life Lillie" I nod tears in my eyes I move wrapping my arms around him "I will figure out what happened that night and even if you did it I will get you out" I whisper in his ear making him nod he stands up facing me, Flynn moves to stand beside me. He kisses my head "I love hearing about you family Lillie" he hands Sophie back to me who unwillingly comes to me. He shakes Flynn's hand "you got a good family kid she would do anything for those she loves" he tells Flynn sending a nod my way before getting escorted out of the room.

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