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I take Sophie out of her car seat putting her on my hip, only for her to wiggle out of my arms and race over to Lexi holding her hand

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I take Sophie out of her car seat putting her on my hip, only for her to wiggle out of my arms and race over to Lexi holding her hand. I smile at the two closing the car door. I put my bag over my shoulder moving to stand by Ellie Ellie who is beside Lexi and Flynn. Both girls carrying their own bag, no idea if they have money or enough to shop here but that's ok. "Is this a dad funded shopping trip" a voice said from behind I turn around to see Justin and Charles walking over. "What you thought these expeditions started with you" Justin said mockingly to Lexi as he walked over giving Flynn a hug as I hug Charles "mum use to pick me from school bring me here dad paying to make up for the fact he was always working" he told the teenaged group picking up Sophie who was jumping to get him.  "that wasn't why" "I like to think so" he shrugs as cuddling Sophie. I love their bond, she idolises him. I'm so glad that between her and Flynn he seemed to gotten completely away from all the trouble. I hug Charles smiling "he treating you ok" "I'm very accommodating mother" I laugh "it's not just you Justin it's you Flynn Charlie and Eddie when his's chaos all the time" I roll my eyes laughing "I'm here I'm here so is Connor the traffic" Adam said walking over with Connor "anyone else you invited or can we start shopping" I say mockingly going and hugging both males "i thought you were working" I say to Adam who looked confused I just shrug. Another thing. I walk with Ellie on one side and Adam on the other with Connor beside him. Justin was in front of us with Sophie in his shoulders, on his left was Charles on his right Flynn who was holding hands with Lexi. "You remember the rules" they both nod smiling.

"What do you think of this shirt mum" Ellie asked she had started to call me mum a few months ago, It's just natural now. I think she felt left out hearing everyone else call me Mum, Grandma, Elle she wanted to be apart of it I told her to pick what she wanted to call me I didn't mind. The shirt she was holding up was a tie dye pink shirt. "I like it if you want it" she nods hanging it on her arm "mummy mummy wook Tin and Fly found Princess for me" she held up a princess dress it was Blue and had gold patterns.

i smile taking it from her hands

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i smile taking it from her hands. It was so Sophie she loves dressing up and be a princess, I'm surprised they have these dresses in this store but then again it is a high end store. "Take it back tell them your size 2t" I feel the dress "actually your 3t maybe 4t tell them to measure...Lexi knows how if they get confused" I tell her hearing Adam and Connor laugh. I watch her race away with the dress. Before turning to the two boys. "You can go help her find more or help us" I tell them making the two race away causing me and Ellie to laugh at their antics.

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