The heart

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Sophie dressed in a beautiful purple dress with a pink tutu, was dancing in the middle of intelligence

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Sophie dressed in a beautiful purple dress with a pink tutu, was dancing in the middle of intelligence. I would occasionally look up and see someone dancing/playing with her. Right now she was trying to teach Adam and Kevin ballet. They were twirling and putting their leg up. It was honestly hilarious, I will have to remember to get Erin to send me the video later. Right now while dance class happens outside I'm in the office trying to find a particular person who went by the name of Charles Edward Anderson. "We're going to find him" Henry said massaging my shoulders. "Eddie said he needs my help" he sighs "Lillie" he turns my chair to face him. He kneels down reaching up touching my face with his left hand while his right stays on my knee. "We will figure it out his your family so his mine as well" "does that extend to Eddie" he sighs putting his head in my lap "I will help figure out what happened if you want him out then I will help but I don't want my daughter and grandson there" I nod our eyes meet "I will put intelligence on the case" he gets up walking out "we have a case" I didn't have to see them to know they all have their attention on him. "Kev your doing it wrong" Sophie exclaims making me glance out the door seeing Adam now wearing a pink tutu and a silver crown making me instantly laugh. "Yeah Kev you have to dance and listen" "we are going to investigate the Anderson murders" "isn't someone in jail for that" Antonio asks "Anderson as in" Jay said pointing towards the office "yes as in my wife's family she has reason to believe it wasn't her brother and as her family we owe it to her to find out the truth" he said sternly I just sit there watching Adam doing random ballet moves, truth be told I don't even know if it's ballet anymore. "Kev your doing it wrong do it like Adam" Sophie exclaimed throwing her hands up dramatically "yeah kev doing it like Adam" Jay mocks "ohh look at that high leg" Erin adds causing everyone to laugh "if you don't want to waist your time on this case there's the door" Henry finished "listen little S while Adam dances I'm going to look some stuff up then we swap" Kevin said to which Sophie nods "why do you get to tap out" "cause I asked" I lean back laughing as the two bicker "Addy work harder it won't look pwetty if you don't try and spin" I laugh watching Adam spin after Sophie it was a sight.

I look up seeing Kelly knocking on her door. "Saw dance class out there" I laugh "yeah Adam and Kevin are taking it in turns I'm hearing Adam is a really star" he laughs I wave him inside "Jay can you dance with me" I hear Sophie asks I look over seeing her leaning on Jay desk "I'm not wearing a skirt" "but it's so pwetty you don't want to look beoutiful" "yeah Jay don't you want to look beautiful" Erin adds I see Sophie giving jay her puppy dog eyes before turning my full attention to Kelly. "What's up" I turn giving him my full attention "your not busy" "just trying to find someone but nothing that can be done later" I say getting up and sitting on the couch gesturing for him to sit beside me. "What's going on" "your a firefighter right" I nod "so you get how the firehouse is the heart it's like a family" I nod "yeah when your with people that often risking your lives it becomes a family kinda like the guys out there why" he sighs "there just this new guy" "not fitting in how longs it been" he looks at me "when a new person joins there's sometimes a three weeks getting use to period" "I think his purposefully putting people in danger" I sigh "want me to bring Sophie we can hang out there" "don't think you will leave with your cooking...also don't think he will like Soph there" I shrug "then he can complain to me she is like the heart of the first responders no matter how hard your day is she somehow makes you smile whether she is forcing people to do ballet or telling you what other people did she makes people laugh and relax forgetting about the terrible things they seen" he smiles nodding knowing how true it was. I sat up holding my hand out for him to take. I open the door trying not to laugh as Adam and Jay are both now in dance class. "Soph want to go to the firehouse with Kelly I'm sure they would love dance class" she pouts looking up at the two men "but jay and Adam" "you can teach us more when you get back" Adam said "I'm sure Stella would have a few moves to teach you same with Emily and Sylvie" Kelly said making the three year old "I need new moves Adam is to good" Sophie said making us all laugh "we know Adam is a brilliant dancer but what about Kevin and Jay" Erin asks "jay is good but Kev he needs work" "that's ok Ballet isn't really my thing" "but it's Adams" Kim said making us laugh again "maybe one of the girls could teach you moves to teach Kevin" she smiles i wink at the male making him laugh.

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