Christmas Day

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It was the big day

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It was the big day. Christmas Day I mean. I wore a beautiful Black dress with a white coat. I didn't really need the coat inside but it made the outfit. I had picked a velvet red long sleeve with a white tutu attached, it had a red velvet ribbons attached that tie into a gorgeous bow. She had white stockings, a white fluffy coat and her shiny black heels. She was quiet adamant wearing her heels despite it snowing outside.

We had already eaten breakfast "presents" Sophie said "when Jay and Erin get here" I say "but Con con and Tin are here" She said "I have been here the whole time" Justin said throwing his hands up "can we call Jay and Rin even Vin and Wexi are here" Sophie said she's quiet a drama Queen. Al walks over picking up the drama Queen. This may have been my fault I may have amped it a tad bit to much. "How about you and I go find Mowgli Myrtle and Tiger I'm sure they got presents to" Al asks carrying Sophie who nods excitedly "Myrtie is in mummy and daddy's room mow mow like hiding and Tiger upstairs" "well you will have to find myrtle don't think I want to go in there" I laugh shaking my head watching as Al puts Sophie down taking her hand allowing her to drag him through the house checking all of Mowglis secret hiding places as she passes.

"I'm here I'm here" "Jay" Sophie squeals "finally dude what have you been doing" Adam said stealing some food from his position beside Connor and Justin. I could tell Charles was hesitant to join them those three were quiet the team. But it was his first Christmas with his father so they were bonding or whatever. Jay walks over with Sophie in his arms Erin beside them, Sophie talking their ear off. Erin going over and hugging Henry. She paused looking around she waved to Justin and Flynn hugging Ellie before walking over and giving me a hug. "Mummy Jays here so Rin can we do presents now" i laughs "I suppose now that everyone is here" I pause "Will coming" "think his staying with dad" Jay shrugs "is daddy Santa" everyone looks confused "Henry always gives the presents out she's asked if his Santa for the past year now" I shrug sitting down Sophie spins as everyone sits down around the living room.

"Mummy look" Sophie holds a unicorn up happily I watch as she runs over to Justin "tin tin" she yells excitedly. I watch her patiently watch him open a present tilting head before shoving her present to him having him help her open it. "It so pretty" she holds the dress twirling. She plonks herself down on Adams lap making him gasp. Everyone else stares smirking. "You no fake police" "what am I now" "just Addy" she shrugs as Adam helping her open the tougher presents and her watching with interest as he opens his presents. "I think you look pretty in it" Sophie said about a shirt Adam was holding. "Really" she nods smiling excitedly "yes yes mummy made yummy food so did daddy" she said jumping up racing out into the backyard on the deck which was ready for our Christmas dinner. I laugh she doesn't stop. We all slowly move out to the deck, having opened all our gifts.

Sophie was sitting in between Adam and Justin. Opposite Connor and Charles. Edward sat at one end, Henry at the other end. I sat beside Henry, Al to my right. Jay beside Adam and Erin who was on the other side of Henry. Flynn and Lexi sat beside Ellie who sat beside Charles who was beside Edward. Ellie between Connor and Al. There was food lining the middle of the table. Systematically we put food on our plates, Adam and Justin helping Sophie.

"I see you and Hank are on better terms" I glance away from the beautiful sight of Henry making Sophie an aeroplane, Justin beside him drinking a beer and holding Henry's they were just talking. I see Al standing beside me with his own beer just smirking looking between us. "Yeah we are getting there it's good for little miss over there I don't think it was the kidnapping that made her extra clingy it was apart of it but I think the main reason was all the issues between me and him" I tell him smiling "just in time for Christmas to" he lets out a laugh knowing I probably would have divorced Henry if he ruined my Christmas. I move my eyes to see Flynn and Lexi sitting over to the side trying to subtly kiss. "You ok with them" I use my head to gesture to them so they don't see me pointing "I'm not happy about it I'm refraining from killing him his a Voight can't exactly kill my best friends grand child" he shrugs "you hate it don't know" he nods laughing "how's your life" he asks my eyes looking over at Connor, Adam and Jay who are drinking and talking. I move my eyes to see Charles and Edward have included Ellie in whatever conversation they were having. "It's been a perfect day" he leans over kissing my head "it has hasn't it...they are perfect" my eyes back on Henry and Justin. Sophie was now on Justin's shoulders as she appeared to be reaching for the sky. Connor had moved to them standing beside Justin. I suppose Henry was more welcoming of Connor than all the others I class as children. He was my godson after all. I didn't know what they were doing what they were talking about, I did love the sight of Sophie moving in different ways as she spoke and them laughing in delight. "I'm happy to see that smile on your face her face" i smile as he said that. I watch Erin stand beside jay she seemed distant, hesitant to be here. I don't blame her we hadn't exactly forgive or maybe we had and we just hadn't shown it. I don't know just that we were weary of her alone with Sophie, I was. Mainly me. I know Sophie doesn't feel ok, she screams every time someone tries to leave her with Erin. "I have been with him for 30 years I wasn't giving up that easily" I sigh smiling at him before I walk over to Adam, Jay and Erin. "Hey guys" they all smile saying hello. My eyes go to Erin "jay how bout we get a drink and go find Soph" Adam said taking the hint. Jay looks between the two of us and with a nod from Erin they leave. "I don't think you know but I do forgive you" "do you I see the way you look at me when I'm with her I didn't mean for it to happen" I sigh "I know I also know that it could have happened while I watched her that she could have been hurt or anything while I watched her I worry about that everyday I have worried about that from the moment Justin was born my children getting hurt" I sigh rubbing my face "my point is your his daughter my stepdaughter. I know she has trouble being alone with you and it has nothing to do with you truthfully I found that out when I tried to leave her with Kelly she freaked out she thinks if she's not with me Henry Justin Al" "Adam jay" "Adam yeah sometimes jay...she's a bit up and down with him. My point is anyone outside her group and she freaks out thinking she will disappear all over again" Erin nods "your his daughter I took you in as my own against everything my head told me. That makes you just as much mine as his" I wrap my arms around her "even if I don't act like it all the time" she wraps her arms around me "It's ok you don't have to treat me like a daughter or anything truth was I acted like a brat when you all treated me perfectly. You can act however you like" she said surely making me nod. "I am sorry for all of it" Erin said i stroke her jaw "you don't have to be your were a kid then just as troubled as Justin. And now you have nothing to be sorry for nothing at all it could have happened when anyone was with her" I tell her sternly "now put a smile on that face and enjoy Christmas" she nods as both of us part.

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