Sophie Girl

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I was broken

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I was broken. I had left the station after making mouse promise to message me if he finds anything. I couldn't be around them. I couldn't be around Erin. I loved her like my daughter but she wasn't telling the truth I knew that, something else happened at the park. The fact she is keeping it close to herself made me furious, that knowledge could be the difference between me finding her or not.

I sat in the house, the house my family lost their lives in. I knew they wouldn't look here for me. Well Al would but Henry is so absorbed in finding our Sophie girl his princess that he won't leave until he has her. I sit on the floor in the living room my computer in front of me, every file I have laying on the floor around me. I was going through everyone she had ever met. I needed to find the nexus who knew her. It was the only thing keeping me from finding her. "Found anything yet" I don't look up but I instantly know who's voice it was. "Nope you guys" "not yet but I have come to help" that got me to look up "what" I was in utter disbelief "your not going to stay and hold my husband back when he wants to kill someone" "he has the whole I brought helpers" I turn to see Ellie Flynn Justin and Lexi. I look back at Al sighing "you staying or going because we don't have time for anything other than finding my little girl" I snap "staying I wouldn't leave you to do this alone plus Hank sent me wanted to make sure your ok" I wanted to laugh but I was just so broken I couldn't. I sigh rubbing my face "ok" I stand up looking around before looking at the four people who I love. "What can we do" Justin asks, i glance at the two teenagers wondering what they can do. "Ellie Lexi Flynn find the nexus" "the what" Ellie asks all three sharing a very confused glance "the person someone that Soph would knew that would take her that pile is everyone I know she's ever met it's the ones I don't know that's whats annoying me write whoever you find on the white board....Justin run names through here, I have the list on the white board, cross them off as you go" I turn to Al "you and I are going to go over the footage" he looks confused "mouse funnelled it to me" I shrug he laughs "I'm going to do anything to get her back no matter what Al...if I could trade my life for her to walk through that door I would" he wraps his arm around me grabbing my computer while Justin used the spare.
We had three names left, we couldn't couldn't see anything on the cameras "it's bunny" I gasp standing up and storming out of the house.

I rush upstairs looking for Erin. She walks out of the break room pausing and looking at me. She's been waiting for me to snap at her. "Where's bunny" she looks at me confused. "What" "Bunny we're is she" "why" god why is she being so difficult "she has Sophie" I heard numerous gasps "how do you know that" "we have three names three...I can't take the credit Justin, Ellie, Flynn and Lexi figured it going through the names Al and I watched the footage we didn't see anything" I told them "we don't actually have any proof other than that" Ellie said nervously Flynn and Lexi both turning to her whisper her to "shut up" "Bunny is the only one on that list that could have conned Soph to go with her...Sophs smart but she not that clever just please tell me where she is if I'm wrong I will make it up to you and I will be so incredibly sorry please" Erin looks around before sighing "this is my fault if she does have her I will talk to her" Erin told me I shake my head "she always sends you into a bit of a spin I can't afford that Sophie will need everyone whether she's been hurt or not she will be traumatised over the fact she can't see us that we aren't there that girl is never apart from us so I can't afford you to drop out on her at her time of need" "I promise I won't" Erin reassures me causing me to sigh I glance at Henry who nods causing me to sigh "ok" "always knew you worked fast" Henry said smirking "work faster when my daughter is missing" I shrug "if bunny did it it's full force" Henry said "Hank" Erin pleads I look at Erin "no we deal with this as family" I demand by family I meant the whole intelligence and everyone knew that. It could mean many different things but if you were in you were in all the way. Whether it results in murder or just a brutal beating you are in it till the end with everyone having your back. "Did you see her at the park" Jay asks looking over at his partner "no" Erin shakes her head clearly racking her mind trying to figure this out. If her mother did this, would she do this, why would she do this. This action doesn't only hurt her two mortal enemies it hurts her own daughter as well. If we were right it will destroy Erin, no matter how much she claims to hate the woman it is still her mother. "Just don't kill her" Henry and I look at each other "let's find out if she has Sophie first" Henry said clearly wanting to kill her. Then again he has wanted to kill her from the moment he found out he had a daughter six years after the fact. He would never admit that to anyone apart from me maybe Al though. He nods at me knowing I knew this and I wanted the woman dead long before that. We just have to have someone else do it. We can't be involved in anyway to protect Erin, even if I'm mad at her for this who situation. But I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact this could have happened with anyone maybe not me and Henry given we don't let anyone near her but everyone else.

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