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I allow Sophie to run up to the door as I hold Henry's hand

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I allow Sophie to run up to the door as I hold Henry's hand. "Where are we" he was confused watching me pull a key out unlocking the door. "This is the house it happened in" he looks shocked looking around. Sophie sat at the piano pressing the keys. "I had it cleaned was going to sell it but then I saw the blankets and all our stuff and I couldn't let go" he smiles sadly wrapping his arms around me pulling me to him. "My mum and grandmother use to sit at that piano playing" he smiles "my dad usually cooking his favourite room the kitchen he always had helpers to" I tell him "your mother was a firefighter right" I nod "yeah dad generally did it all grandma and grandpa came over to help grandma practically lived here not wanting to miss a moment of her grandchildren's life" he looks looking around it was definitely like a time capsule. Photos lining the walls, it was clean and spotless, even if there are toys and blankets everywhere. Sophie goes to play with one of the toys one the floor "no" I say causing her to freeze Henry picks Sophie up looking at me. "Josie and Charlie left them there Ollie's are in the other room" "how old were they I know Josie was six and you were ten" "Charlie was two...Tori was nine ten months younger than we we were like twins...Luke was four...Will was fourteen...Ollie was three...Cat was seventeen...Eddie was sixteen" he nods "what else" he walk around the house looking at the photos "we all had one of these blankets" I point to the blankets on the couch "all different colour and texture I think rest are in their rooms" he nods "in there is where my grandpa told us all his police stories that we loved so much" I point to the room of the kitchen that was made out of glass, it was a sun room I think it's called. "My love for cooking comes from my dad he loves giving us random new recipes he found always told us we were his best grandmother preferred to bake" "going to guess to got your love for baking from her then" I nod "she's also the one who taught me piano" "tell me about your siblings I only know of Edward the one who kid this and cat" I nod "um well Eddie was always the protective brother he was perfect by big brother he would do anything for me looked out for us...Cat was the opposite she just loved the attention hated that she had siblings wished she was an only child" he nods "Will was the calm quiet awkward brother he was so quirky and funny....I was ten um I was stubborn" "you haven't lost that" he laughed out making me smile "manipulative against everyone I didn't have in my little circle funny I loved to make people laugh and be with my family" "I see that hasn't changed" I nod "Tori my partner in crime we were always together thick as thieves the prefect team...she was the loud spoken attention speaker sometimes spiteful one of of the two of us...Josie was the charming sweet funny innocent little girl, mine and Tori's little follower...Ollie was chaos he was always running breaking things causing havoc...Charlie was the baby and he knew it he played us so many times it became funny he was trouble though he hung out with Ollie a lot but he knew how to play the sweet innocent baby card better than anything" he laughs "this was like the hub of the family cousins grandparents aunts and uncles were always over" I smiles "I have a question" I nod "ask anything I won't be offended" "you always say he should have killed Cat and not Josie why why do you mean" I sigh sitting down on the deck looking out into the backyard that we use to run in, the pool we use to swim in. "Josie was innocent a sweetheart could do no wrong" I nod sitting beside me just listening "truthfully I think Cat did it and framed Eddie and I will always think that I don't think I have it in me to assume the worst. To believe that the big brother that protected and looked out for everyone could be so callous and evil, that was more Cat even when she was young" "but the evidence" "points to him I know and he would take the fall no matter what if it meant protecting those he loved...but something has never felt quiet right about it and the only conclusion I can draw is Cat did it" "it's why you keep your distance now that she's in Chicago" "I like to think of it as protecting my children" he smiles wrapping his arm around me "we will prove it one way or anything" I look at him "you have been carrying this since you were ten let me help if she is the killer let me help prove it if he is then at least you know" I silently know. I don't think I would believe it even if he was the killer, I think I will always blame Cat. It's wrong yes but I won't survive if I condemn my brother.

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