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I sat in the kitchen a tea in front of me and a book in my hand

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I sat in the kitchen a tea in front of me and a book in my hand. I had all my focus on the book rubbing my swollen stomach, wondering how I even did this twice before. I loved being pregnant but I had finally reached the point of utter discomfort. What made it worse was that I had to take it easy, ever since the accident. "Hey" I jump looking up seeing Flynn in the doorway I stand up "hey come in" I smile "do you want me to get you food or anything" I look around "we have juice milk eggs toast" "just a juice please" I nod grabbing a glass and pouring one before placing it in the table. "Sit down" I encourage as I sit back down "so your my grandma" I smile at him he was so cautious "yeah I'm your fathers mother" I nod "tell me about you" I encourage sipping my tea "your pregnant" "I would hope so otherwise I spent so much time doing getting fat" he laughs making me smile, he had Justin's smile. "You have your dads smile" he smiles at my words "what's he like" "your father is kind loving as a huge heart sometimes that massive heart of his gets him in trouble" I smile he smiles straight back at me "what about you any friends what do you like tell me everything" I smile he smirks "well I have a friend Cat she's a troublemaker. I like computers, I play chess and like to read. There's this one girl" I smirk sipping my tea just as Henry comes in making Flynn back out "morning my love" he comes over kissing my head "morning handsome" I lean up and kiss him "good morning Flynn how did you sleep" he asks I could tell Flynn was nervous around him. "Good sir" he weakly smiles "you don't have to call me sir we are family" he stated before walking over to make himself a coffee "relax Flynn" I whisper "did your dad tell you that Henry is a family name" I ask Flynn who shakes his head. Henry leans back against the counter just watching us. "Henry over there and his father and his fathers father" I point to Henry "I thought your name was Hank" "and your name is Flynn" Henry smirks back "besides she's the only one who calls me Henry" he adds before putting his cup in the sink and walking out of the room. "So this girl" I said the moment Henry was out of the room. "She has blonde hair and bright eyes. She's kind and caring but she has a dark side" I smirk "the best people all have a dark side" I glance in the direction Henry walked off in "what's her name" "Silver" he answered as Charlotte Alice ran in but stopped seeing Flynn. "Lottie this is Flynn his Justin's sons" I point out "Flynn this is mine and Henry's daughter" they smile at each other. "Does dad live here" "he has an apartment not to far away but I imagine he would be getting a new apartment one with space for you" I answer "but your my grandchild your always welcome" "but you will have a new baby and Lottie" he seemed confused saying her name "Alice you can call me Alice only she calls me Lottie and papa Henry calls me Charlie" she tells him making him nod "hey there is enough space Justin still has his room. Lottie has hers we have a spare room" "the baby" "Henry and I have enough room in our room for the baby besides the closet us big enough for a crib if we don't want baby in our room after a few months but at the beginning baby will be in our room" I inform him "you can always have a room here you are always welcome" I repeat grabbing his hand and squeezing it, as Lottie climbs onto my lap snuggling into me curving around my swollen stomach. I wrap my arms around you "your a Voight and that means something" I tell him before getting up picking Charlotte up with me. "It's the weekend what shall we do" she giggles fiddling with my hair. She was the sweetest girl. "Should we go get our nails done we can invite Lexi I think she needs one to" she nods excitedly causing me to smile and pick up my phone. I try to call Lexi but don't get an answer so I call Al. I was swaying. "You know it's our day off right" I laugh starting to pace the kitchen. Charlotte continuing to play with my hair, it was like a perfect head massage. "I'm aware but I was actually trying to track down your daughter not you" I say smiling hearing his laugh "she's not answering her phone Lottie and I are going to get our nails done wanted to know if she wants to join" I rub my stomach before rubbing charlottes back. "Hang on" I wait patiently "what are you doing" Henry exclaimed startling me. He rushes over grabbing Charlotte from me who pouts immediately, I frown in responds. "You know you for to take it easy" he reminds me "your meant to be resting...not carrying a child it could force labour" I sigh kissing his cheek however before I can reply I can hear "she said she will be there" I smile "tell her I will pick her up about 10" "love you Lillie" I smile "love you to Al"

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