Baby Baby

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I groan moving my head

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I groan moving my head. I blink my eyes repeatedly die to the bright light. "Easy beautiful" someone held my hand tightly. I knew who's hand it was just by the feeling. I turn my head seeing his beautiful dark eyes. "Your ok" he runs his other hand over my head. "Baby" my voice was scratchy and weak he looks across the room. "Beautiful health baby girl" he smiles "you can't scare me like that" "you wouldn't answer" I reply weakly he kisses my forehead before getting up. That's when I notice all the wires, the IV putting clear stuff into me. I look up seeing Henry with our baby girl. Connor enters seeing Henry holding her. "You came in mid labour baby however wasn't any near the right position. It caused sever had burst a blood vessel in your hip" he began "the burst vessel and a lot of movement cause labour but thanks to your friends you made it here in time for us to fix it" he told me "she's beautiful" he tell us sticking a finger out to her smiling before walking over to me helping me sit up. Henry carefully handed her to me. The moment she was in my arms I cried. Much like I cried when Justin was in my arms. She is so small so perfect. "Yay" Justin came in shouting with Flynn beside him. His shouting startled her making her cry. But luckily I'm an expert at calming babies. I stroke her face completely captivated by here. Not missing Henry slap Justin on the back of his head. Flynn comes beside me. "Meet your aunt" I tilt my arms so he can get a good look at her "she have a name yet" Justin asked coming to the other side. "Not yet" Henry and I had decided but it wasn't offical so we weren't saying. I unwillingly pass her to Justin who she clearly already had wrapped around her finger, as Henry walked out to tell the team they can come in. I smile gleefully watching Justin hold his baby sister. He sits down on the blue couch below the window, completely immersed in her. Flynn goes over sitting beside his father stroking her face. I pick my phone up snapping a photo of them. That is definitely one that's going on the wall.

Justin gets up after a few minutes passing her back to me. I hold her close on my skin. I was content. Henry walks in with the team following. Al rushes over to me "you had me so worried" he hugs me "there was blood everywhere I was force to clean your kitchen" I laugh at Adams remark. "She's so precious" Erin cooed smiling "want to hold her" she nods causing me to pass her the baby. I watch smiling as Erin doted on her baby sister. I stare at Henry who's smiling watching the scene. His two girls. I glance at Justin and Flynn who are on the couch, they were talking Justin had his arm around Flynn both relaxed. It was then that I realise that we had to tell them about Erin as well. I look back over at my baby girl seeing her in Als arms. Al had tears in his eyes as Lexi leans over his arms talking to her. This was my family, just missing Connor, Will and Kelly.

After Everyone held and doted on our baby girl we were alone. Just me, Henry and our baby girl. She was back in my arms. We were doing skin to skin. She was on my chest, Henry sitting on the hospital bed with his arms around me. We were both in our world. The world of our precious little girl.

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