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I was still limping but I was pushing through

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I was still limping but I was pushing through. I hold her on my hip careful she doesn't bump my arm, that's currently in a sling and hurts to move. I bend putting her down on the counter. I stand in front of her making sure she doesn't fall. "Hey hey you right" Al says coming round the corner causing me to jump. I instantly groan as my foot makes impact with ground again. "Alvin I'm an injured woman you can't sneak up on me" "your husbands worried was going to send Erin but I know things are weird so I volunteered" "he could have come himself" "should I take little miss Soph with me when I leave so you can scream at him" "I'm not going to scream at him just kindly remind him his my husband" I shrug smiling innocently "also things aren't weird with Erin" "really when was the last time you spoke to her since the little secret about who fathered her came out" "I don't speak to everyone often" I rolls my eyes "you speak to Justin and Flynn everyday" he said I didn't know what to say "we were never close before she was always just Henry's daughter or before everyone knew Henry's project" "you know no one knows" "doesn't make a difference" I shrug "I went through life keeping my distance it's not going to change because now she knows" "Voight told me her and Justin aren't talking" I roll my eyes watching him sit with his god daughter at the kitchen table. "I'm not going to force my son to talk to her...I told Henry to tell them from the get go right when she moved in and I almost stabbed him when I found out it was her" Al laughs "I remember that story" "I was so pissed of course I knew he had a daughter somewhere just didn't think it she would ever be in my house" I rub my face "of course I never took it out on her just Henry" Al smirks as he tickles my daughter "everyone was so confused you almost ripped what was that officers name" "Duval" I roll my eyes "you almost ripped his head off along with officer Burn" I sigh leaning on the counter "Duval wasn't doing his bloody job and Burn was sticking his nose where it doesn't belong" I snap "I still don't understand how I ended up in the garage when you and Hank are so secretive, angry and manipulative" I shakes his head "I don't know ether Cat asks me that a lot how our marriage has survived...she's had a front row seats to a few of our fights" he whistles "your fights are always big and explosive worse if other people get involved" I sigh knowing his telling the truth "what's the longest you didn't talk" I tilt my thinking "I'm three months I think...but I'm pretty sure we had to talk because of work just nothing beyond that" "oh wow yeah your both so passive aggressive" I laugh knowing he was the main person to witness it all. "I'm not going to just welcome Erin just because she knows the truth" "nobody expect you two but pretty sure it's bugging your husband and her that Justin won't" I rub my face "we they can go insane Al his my son I will stand by him...Justin told me that he cut her out after Flynn" Al looks confused causing me to sigh and sit opposite him "doesn't leave us" he nods "when they were younger Justin had a crush on Erin I always made sure nothing happened before you ask...when he found out I think he struggled because he thought of his sister like that. Then he said Flynn told him that she was controlling always wanting Flynn to do what she wanted not giving him an option demanding because they were family. She forced her way into his life saying they were family. He used the specific term bulldozed her way into his life" he nods "Erin would use being family to get what she wanted then the next second say they weren't family and never will be...Flynn told Justin who told him to do what he wanted do that he would have his back. Flynn cut her out because he was just getting use to his new family and didn't need her messing with his head...Justin was furious that she would do that to Flynn so he cut her out wanted nothing to do with her" I sigh "so yeah I behind my son will be to the end of the time but if she really wants back she has to earn it that's how this family works you don't demand love or anything" I was fuming she made me so mad at what she did. "I take it Hank doesn't know" I shake my head "Justin and Henry don't exactly talk often and Flynn never told him" I shrug "our family runs perfectly we don't need a stranger barging in" "is she a stranger" I nod "with how she's been acting about the whole situation you better believe she is a stranger" "I'm not going to just allow her to walk in and mess ever turning up not when this one hasn't even experienced it yet" I tickle Sophie causing her to giggle kicking her legs about "but despite this I will keep it buried for Henry's benefit I sadly don't have the privilege" "if you don't like it tell him" I shake my head "that is his daughter I will never try to break or even ruin that bond never. I will treat her how I treat a child maybe not my own but I will treat her with kindness respect and I will care cause that's what Henry would want and he is the most important persons to me beside Justin Flynn and Soph of course" he nods bouncing sophie on his knee "still think you should tell him but I get it and you know I won't say" I smile at the man before me.

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