My Love

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Liv had somehow got me discharged and I was currently staying with her

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Liv had somehow got me discharged and I was currently staying with her. Her and Henry. Liv had left to work a case while I stayed with Henry. I offered she wanted to call Lucy but I told her not to. I walk into the station and catching the elevator holding Henry's hand. He had been talking non stop much like my Sophie, only difference Sophie mainly babbles. "Mummy" the three year old races over to his mother "what are you guys doing here" "your the only ones I know" I shrug as Finn comes over hugging me "not the only ones" I spin knowing that voice. It was a voice I loved more than anything. I was in his arms before I could even see him. "I missed you" I just cry "I missed you to everyday" he held me a little bit tighter. We unwilling let go so I could say hello to the rest of my family "mummy miss oo" Sophie said diving into my arms from her place in Justin's, this just brought more tears. Know she was ok. I hold her tight "I'm so sorry baby" Justin walks over hugging me wrapping his arms around both me and Sophie "it's not your fault mum" I nod into him. I kiss both their cheeks before allowing Henry to take Sophie, turning to Flynn. "Come here you" I wrap my around around holding him a little bit tighter when I hear him sniff. Once we let go I'm straight back in Henry's arms. I don't think I will be going to far from him. I could hear him and Justin talking to Liv and her team but I was focusing on inhaling his perfect sent. "Let's go home" he said making me look up at him. I smile "really" he nods stroking my face "of course Chicago is where you belong" I wrap my arms around him as he takes Sophie leading us out of the police station.

I hadn't left Henry's side. He hadn't left mine either. We had gone straight home after getting off the plane, I wanted nothing more than to be in my bed in Henry's arms with Sophie. 

We walk into the district together Sophie in my arms, I don't want to let go of her again. Henry's arm around my shoulder. "Thank god your back" Trudy exclaimed dramatically coming around the desk and wrapping her arms around me "he has been so annoying" Henry scowls at this comment "Al has as well actually everyone up there has been super annoying but more so this guy beside you" I force a laugh. It's been incredibly hard to laugh since my mind has been a mess but I'm trying. Henry pulls me back towards him wrapping his arm around me. He doesn't like when I'm out of his arms to long, he would never admit it though. "I will let you go surprise them I think they are going mental after days of just paperwork" I smile more than ready to see my family. Henry led me up stairs we hear a smash followed by Adam saying "omg omg"  he looked so confused he didn't know whether to clean up his smashed mug or hug me. He races over and hugs me "the baby" i exclaim but it doesn't slowly him down he just hugs he tightly "don't squish my child Ruzek" Henry exclaims snatching a giggling one year old out of my arms. I wrap my arms around Adam holding him tight. The moment he let go I'm hugging Antonio. Jay comes over hugging me "we missed you think intelligence would have fallen without you" he said as he let go giving my arm a gentle squeeze. Erin comes over knowing Al would probably take forever. I wrap my arms around her seeing how hesitant she was "I know we haven't been super close as of late but when you disappeared it all fell apart I thought I had lost the only mother I ever truely had" she said quietly into me "never leave us" I squeeze her a little tighter before she lets go stepping back wiping her eyes. She turns to Henry giving him a hug i sneakily take a photo knowing Henry would want a photo of him with his two daughters. I slowly walk towards Al who weakly smiles. I wrap my arms around his waist, his arms are instantly around me holding me tight. I feel his head rest on my head. No words were said, none needed to be we just knew. We just hold each other. I pull back he moves his hand and wipes the tears that I didn't even notice were falling. I was in my best friends arms not anyone else, I couldn't hide the fear any longer. I weakly smile before walking into the office where Henry was watching from with Sophie. Al walks in closing the door "are you ok" both men watch me knowing I wasn't going to be honest out there. I shake my head as new sets of tears start to fall "all of them touching me" I take a deep breath "every time a male touches me I either flinch or feel him" I let out a weak sob "out there you were fantastic" Al reassures me "no one would know any different they hell don't we never said anything not even Erin knows" I tense they didn't even know everything. They didn't know he raped me multiple times. Al puts his hands on my shoulders causing me to flinch he immediately pulls them away. Before he can move his hand to far I grab them putting them back on my shoulders "I hid it out there" I whisper "you don't have to hide" they both reassure me looming concerned "I only feel ok when Henry or Justin touch me" Al goes to move his hands "don't you dare move" I snap  making him nod "I don't want to be afraid of my best friend I'm not really it's more my body" he nods. I wrap my arms delicately around him trying to force my body to feel comfortable in my best friends arms again. "Well I do have to say you are a fantastic actress" Al said when I stepped out of his arms walking over to Henry, allowing Al to cuddle his goddaughter. "If they get to much you tell us" Henry told me "I think Adam will always be to much" they sigh "you don't have to pretend my love" "I know" I sigh leaning my head against Henry's shoulder "you promise to tell us if they get to much or if you need them to leave you alone" Henry asked me sternly chaos f me to roll my eyes "I promise...I can also pretend" "who was it the worst with" I don't want to answer that question "all of them" I shrug not true. Adam held me so tightly I'm surprised I didn't shake or flinch, Jay was delicate and careful, while Antonio was overly cautious. I was going to find away to burry it.

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