Shopping in Hell

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I had picked Sophie up from the district

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I had picked Sophie up from the district. Henry and I walked in to the district to find Sophie wearing Henry's police hat standing on a chair pretending to command them, they also had a dance party before we broke it up and I took her. I had also picked all the teenagers, three stops I'm just thankful I have I have an extra row in the car so we can all fit.

I pull up to the mall grabbing my stuff before getting out. I go back to get Sophie only to find her in Flynn's arms. "Is uncle Hank funding this trip" Lexi asks "what" Ellie asked confused. "Ever so often GranLillie borrows grandpas card and we go shopping at all the expensive shops" Flynn informs her "doesn't he get mad" Ellie asks she seemed concerned "Uncle Hank could never be mad at aunt Lillie I don't think it's in him even if he really wants to" Kaci tells her "besides he knows we always go to the district after and she gives it back" Lexi shrugs as Flynn puts Sophie down holding her and Lexi grabbing the other. Sophie has these four teenagers wrapped around little finger. Actually she had everyone wrapped around her little finger. "What do you want for your birthday Soph" Kaci asked walking backwards in front of her "tin tinman" I sigh it was the one thing I couldn't give her, Henry and I could give her everything except that. "Let's go shopping" I say trying to divert attention, didn't want to upset the dramatic one year old just yet.

"What do you think of this Prada bag" Lexi asks pointing to the small black bag with silver chain in the glass case. I nod "I like it do you" "yeah it's just" "if you say price remember Henry is buying" "look" Kaci holds Burberry outfit it was adorable.

I find a gorgeous pink adidas tracksuit as well, Sophie loved the hearts on the side

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I find a gorgeous pink adidas tracksuit as well, Sophie loved the hearts on the side.

"Toys" Sophie demands bored of the clothes shopping

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"Toys" Sophie demands bored of the clothes shopping. I take her to go into a different story allowing the teenagers to shop. I sneakily buy her some magnet toys to get on her birthday, only allowing her to look.

I hold Sophie's hand as we walk to meet the teenagers

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I hold Sophie's hand as we walk to meet the teenagers. There are a few shops at this mall they can shop in, all the others are slightly expensive. Although most of the time they end up just walking around.

"Grandpa is never going to let Soph wear the outfit Kaci picked out" Flynn remarked making me laugh. He was never going to let her wear wear that, but he doesn't always get a choice or to pick. "He won't always get a choice" they laugh sipping their drinks.

We were in some store looking at jewellery Flynn was helping Lexi. Kaci was was picking something out, Ellie looked overwhelmed. "You can get something if you like" "no it's fine" "really I know all this seems a lot but pick something anything you like" she looks around "ok let's start slow do you prefer wearing a necklace or bracelet if you don't know it could be just which you like more" she looks around "necklace" she said smiling "bracelets get in the way" I nod smile walking over to the stand carrying Sophie not wanting her touching anything. "Ok so do you like silver, Gold, rose gold" she shrugs I point to three chains. She doesn't answer. "Which one do you think" "I think silver would suit you" Kaci said "what I have been hanging out with my favourite aunt and mumma has good taste" Kaci adds shrugging causing me to laugh. Despite everything me and Cathrine definitely have good taste, expensive taste. I look through silver glancing at her "this one" she points to the one with a heart charm. I smile telling the lady which one and to get what Lexi and Kaci want. I pay for the three pieces allowing the girl to hold their bags. We walk out of the store, I hear a sound that makes me immediately tense. I hold Sophie tighter putting my hand over her mouth. "In the store back in the store" gun fire it kept going getting louder along with screaming. "Keep quiet" I turn to the store owner "you got a back room" she nods pointing she's shaking "stay calm I'm a police Sargent also married to one" she nods opening the door to the back room "Flynn call Henry keep calling until he answers Lexi same with your dad when they answer I need you to take a breath and say there is a shooter keep them on the lie at all costs" I usher them into another room in the backroom. "Stay low" i pass a crying clingy Sophie to Flynn who basically snatched her out of my arms not letting Ellie who I tried to pass her to take her. "Keep a hand on her mouth not to tight we don't want her screaming" Ellie nods carefully putting her hand on "just keep giving her comfort whispering to her only stop if you hear it get closer" they nod I could tell they were all terrified. I turn to the shop assistant "what's you name" "Sarah" I kneel down shifting through my bag. Pulling out my gun "you know how to use this" she didn't answer just shaking "I do dad made sure I did" Lexi said I hand it towards her, I grab her wrist "only use it if you have to" she nods I stare her in the eyes "don't hesitate either you stay in front of them and you don't hesitate" I pull the gun I have in my waist band out walking towards the door "oh and don't close your eyes" she nods "I'll try Henry Flynn help Lexi call her dad" he nods as I pull my phone out "keep the lights off and door locked and stay as quiet as possible I will be right outside send me a message if you need me" they nod I felt bad they shouldn't be going through this.

I walk out hearing the door instantly click. I creep down the hallway slowly looking around. I come out from the back room going straight behind the desk and kneeling. I look in ever direction before I start dialling Henry's number. Of course he doesn't answer. She see figure walking towards me four to be exact. I don't move just watch before hiding beneath the desk when they get close. I tense hearing a very loud distinct bag. It sounded right beside me.

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